Questions 1
Questions 2
Questions 3
Graph 1
Graph 2

What is the difference between a mixture and a compound?  Use examples in your answer.

A mixture is made up of two or more substances combined, it can be separated by physical means, while a compound cannot be separated by physical means and it has two or more kinds of atoms in the same ratio. Sulfur and iron mixed together is a mixture, while iron sulfide cannot be separated so it is a compound


Why are heat and temperature NOT the same concept?

Temperature is the average kinetic energy of all the particles in an object, while heat is the transfer of heat from an object which is hotter than the other to an object that is at a lower temperature.


Thermal energy transfer is affected by material type.  Why?

Different types of materials have different conductivity properties, like metal conducts thermal energy well, while rubber does not.


Explain any trends shown in terms of energy and phase change. In the graph. 

this is a link to what the graph looks like. 

There is a small amount of change at the beginning a few minutes, but once it reaches 8 minutes, it shoots up, showing that the ice most likely melted as changing from a solid to liquid takes energy, but once it is done, it is easier to raise the temperature. Also, when it reached 12 minutes it leveled out, as turning from a liquid to a gas takes a lot of energy.




You are measuring the density of rubber.  The mass of the sample is 36 grams and the volume is 30 mL.  Write the formula for density and calculate the density of the rubber.  Will the rubber sink or float in water?  Use your calculations in your explanation.

D = M/V       D = 36/30      D = 1.2   The rubber will sink in water as water has density of 1, and since the rubber has a higher density, it will sink with a density of 1.2.


Pair these phase changes and explain why you put them together the way that you did. Vaporization, melting, freezing and condensation.

You can melt an ice cube and it will turn to water, and then you can freeze that water into ice again, so melting and freezing can be paired. You can also vaporize water to make water vapor, which you can condense to make water again, so vaporization and condensation can be paired together.


Is a phase change a physical or chemical change?  Explain by discussing whether phase changes can be undone.

A phase change is a physical change because if you melt ice, you can put the water back into the freezer to get ice again. If you evaporate the water, you get water vapor as a gas, which you can condense to get water again.






What are the base metric units for length, mass, volume, and temperature?  Give a comparable measurement for each.

A base metric unit for length is meters, and a meter is about your nose to your fingertips. A base metric unit for mass is gram, and a gram is a small paperclip. A base metric unit for volume is a liter, and a half a big soda bottle is one liter. The base metric unit for temperature is Celsius, and 0 Celsius is when all particles stop moving.


What is the kinetic theory of matter?

Matter is composed of small particles which are in motion until absolute zero.


What are three physical ways of separating a mixture?  Include real world examples for each.

A centrifuge can be used to separate the chocolate from chocolate milk. A magnet can be used to separate iron from a junkyard. Evaporation can be used to separate salt from saltwater.








