Time Capsule
Journal Prompts
Staff Members
Homework Activities
20th Anniversary

A time capsule is defined as this.

What is a container where people put items that represent their current time like photos, letters, or small objects, and is buried or stored away to be opened many years after.


This is the duration allotted for the community activity time for students, including journal prompts and announcements.

What is 20 minutes


This staff member has two cute children.

Who is Mike


This is the duration allocated for Homework Time.

What is 40 minutes


This is the year when 826 was founded.

What is 2005


This is the number of time capsules located in Echo Park.

What is two time capsules


These are the three writing prompts provided to students this semester.

What is "Discovering a Time Capsule, Creating Your Own Time Capsule, and 20 Years into the Future"


This staff member has a British shorthair and a white cat.

Who is Pedro


This interactive method involves a teacher calling out a phrase and the group responding in unison known as "Call and Response".

What is "If you can hear me, clap once. If you can hear me, clap twice!" 


This special book would be published to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 826.

What is Community Book


This character serves as the new time capsule created during the 826Fest event.

What is robot


This is the number of parts in the Hamburger Method for constructing sentences, along with their names.

What is 5: Topic, Detail, Detail, Detail, and Concluding Sentence

OR What is 3: Top Bun (beginning sentence), The Middle (details with 3 sentences), and The Bottom Bun (Conclusion)


This staff member enjoys nature and outdoor sports like biking and hiking.

Who is Deisy


After completing their homework and the Write On! activity of the day, students should focus on this task.

What is Doodle of the Day


This is the theme for the community book created during the event.

What is coming into your own and transforming the future


This is the year when the new time capsule created in Echo Park during 826Fest is scheduled to be opened.

What is 2054 (in 30 years)


This acronym represents the components of the PQS Approach used in writing.

What is Praise, Question, and Suggestion


This staff member is the eldest of 5 siblings.

Who is Julia


Complete the sentence, Reading is e____ if ______.

What is "Reading is essential if you're going to be a writer."


These are the names of the two guests featured at 826Fest.

Jordan and Brea


This is the year when the white mailbox time capsule in Echo Park was created.

What is 2015


These words "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." were quoted by this renowned author.

Who is Maya Angelou


The Chan Fellows attend this local university.

What is the University of Southern California


These are three advantages that reading provides to writers.

1. Reading lets you understand what a reader wants — and what you need to give your own readers.

2. Reading gives strong fundamentals in story structure and plot development.

3. Reading gives you a feel for and can expand your own ideas of stylistic items such as graceful narration, metaphor, transition, voice, and more.

4. Reading gives you both inspiration and drive to move forward in your own work.

5. Reading is a great way to get ideas!

6. Reading shows you what’s already been done.

7. Reading lets you take advantage of lessons already learned by generations of smart writers.

8. And, via our good friend Stephen King’s excellent book On Writing: “The real importance of reading is that it creates an ease and intimacy with the process of writing… Constant reading will pull you into a place… where you can write eagerly and without self-consciousness.”


This celebrity made an appearance to celebrate the 10th anniversary of 826.

Jimmy Kimmel
