The Bible
Where in the States Am I?
Actor and Their Western Movies

 On January 2th7, 1967 the NASA space program suffered its first major tragedy. During a routine test, a fire broke out inside the Apollo I space capsule and all three astronauts were killed. Which of the following were NOT members of that crew?

 Roger Chaffee

 Virgil Grissom

 James McDivitt

 Ed White

Answer: James McDivitt

James McDivitt was the command pilot for the backup crew in the event the original crew being unable to make the trip. The fire was believed to have been caused by bad wiring in the capsule. With the pure oxygen that was present inside the capsule, the fire quickly got out of control. The three astronauts couldn't get the hatch open to escape and therefore perished within minutes.


Which of the following men put a fleece out to see if dew would collect on it?





Answer: Gideon

Judges 6:36-40 Gideon asked God for a sign and God gave Gideon answers three times through whether the fleece was wet or dry.


 I have been driving through a northwestern state and have traveled through the towns of Starbuck, Walla Walla, Port Angeles and Olympia. What state am I in?





Answer: Washington

Isn't it fun that the State of Washington has a town by the name of Starbuck? In southwest Washington, you can visit Mount St. Helens, the volcano that erupted in May of 1980.


 Let us start with "The Duke" (John Wayne) and one of his roles as Col. Cord McNally. After the Civil War he searches for the traitors who caused the defeat of McNally's unit and the loss of a close friend. Can you name the movie?

 Rio Lobo

 The Searchers

 Rio Bravo

 The Horse Soldiers

Answer: Rio Lobo


Amidst the three appropriate descriptions of the term, which of these is NOT a "Grant"?

 "The Philadelphia Story" actor, Cary

 18th U.S. president, Ulysses

 2008 NBA MVP, Kobe

 Sum of money given by the government

Answer: 2008 NBA MVP, Kobe

Kobe Bryant is the only non-grant of these four answer choices. Bryant played for the Los Angeles Lakers from 1996 until 2016, winning five NBA championships with the team during his career. Ulysses S. Grant was the Commanding General who led the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War before his tenure as U.S. president. Cary Grant is an English-American actor who appeared in dozens of films from 1932 to 1966. Grant as a noun is government-issued funds to be used for a particular purpose.


The most famous tragedy in US history was the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. In the attack, the battleship USS Arizona was sunk and more than 1,100 sailors died in the tragedy. Three other battleships were sunk during the attack. Which of the following was NOT one of them (it was beached)?

 USS Oklahoma

 USS Nevada

 USS California

 USS West Virginia

Answer: USS Nevada

The Nevada was making an attempt to leave the harbor but when it was hit it beached in order to prevent it from blocking the harbor entrance. The Arizona became a memorial to the attack and still stands today as a reminder of those who died. The USA declared war on Japan the next day.


Which dead prophet's spirit did a woman bring forth for King Saul?





Answer: Samuel

1st Samuel 28:3, 11-14 Samuel had died and King Saul was getting no answers from God so he went to a woman who brought forth the spirit of Samuel, who told King Saul that he and his sons would die soon.


I am in a state with beautiful peach orchards and many Civil War battlefields. I have passed through Macon, Augusta, Peachtree City, and Marietta. What state am I in?

 North Carolina




Answer: Georgia

The peaches from Georgia are fabulous! If you go to Savannah you can visit Paula Deen's restaurant. She is a popular chef on the Food Network. Of course, this is Carter Country and Jimmy Carter comes from Plains.


Henry Fonda was one of my favourite gunman and he appeared in numerous Westerns. In one of his westerns he portrays a gunman named Clay Blaisdell with a sidekick named Tom Morgan played by Anthony Quinn who had a clubfoot. Can you name the movie?

 Once Upon a Time in the West


 The Ox-Bow Incident

 My Name Is Nobody

Answer: Warlock


What do the NFL football team which plays at home at Soldier Field in Chicago, the 1960s TV series "Gentle Ben", and the short story about Old Ben at the center of Faulkner's collection of stories "Go Down, Moses" have in common?





Answer: bear

What became the Chicago Bears football team was founded in 1919 and moved to Chicago in 1921. They played home games at Wrigley Field for fifty years before moving to Soldier Field. Based (loosely) on the 1965 children's novel "Gentle Ben" by Walt Morey, the CBS children's television programme "Gentle Ben" aired from 1967 to 1969.


On May 4th, 1970, National Guard troops opened fire on college students protesting President Nixon's invasion of Cambodia. On what college campus did this shooting take place?

 Jackson State

 South Carolina State

 Memphis State

 Kent State

Answer: Kent State

Four students died and nine others were wounded in this - one of several college campus shootings involving National Guard or police riot squads. The shooting at Kent State triggered a massive war protest at nearly 200 college campuses. Ten days later on the campus of Jackson State, two students were killed by police during a similar protest. On February 8th, 1968, South Carolina State was the site of a police shooting spree that was triggered by racial tension. That shooting left three students dead and 27 others wounded.


What type of tree did Jesus make wither for not bearing fruit?





Answer: Fig

Matthew 21:19 The fig tree did not have figs on it at the time when Jesus passes by so he cursed it and it died. These events are also found in Mark 11:13-20.


 I am looking at the Rocky Mountains and I am at the Continental Divide. I have been to Missoula, Whitefish, Bigfork and Butte. What state am I in?

 North Dakota


 South Dakota


Answer: Montana

Montana is Lewis and Clark country and loaded with historical sites. Missoula is called the Garden City because of its mild winters (compared to the rest of Montana) and is also home to the University of Montana.


This Glenn Ford western had Frankie Laine sing the title of the movie at the beginning and end of the movie. Can you name this classic movie of 1957 that was remade in 2007?

 The Man from the Alamo

 3:10 to Yuma

 Go West, Young Lady

 The Fastest Gun Alive

Answer: 3:10 to Yuma


What do the British word for the public mail system, the first airplane pilot ever to fly around the world solo, and an American magazine (weekly from 1897 to 1963) which featured the cover art of Norman Rockwell, have in common?





Answer: post

In Great Britain and much of the Commonwealth, the system for delivering letters and packages is called the post. Post is often used as a synonym for mail. Oddly, the US Postal Service delivers the mail while the British Royal Mail delivers the post. Wiley Post (1898-1935) was a famous American pilot, best known for being the first to fly around the world solo.


On November 18th, 1978, a religious cult known as "The People's Temple" which was led by controversial preacher Jim Jones took part in what would become one of the largest mass suicides in history. A US Congressman by the name of Leo Ryan was murdered at an airport near the temple site while attempting to free some cult members who claimed they were brainwashed and being held against their will. In what South American country did the tragedy take place?





Answer: Guyana

Congressman Ryan, who had came to Guyana on a fact finding mission successfully left the cult temple with several cult members but Jim Jones' armed guards were waiting at the airport for them. They opened fire on the group in the truck killing Ryan and four others. Back at the temple, Jones realized the police would be there soon, so either voluntarily or by force, the remaining 912 cult members drank a concoction of Kool-Aid and cyanide and Jones shot himself in the head.


 In the parable told by Jesus, what was planted by the enemy with the wheat?





Answer: Tares

Matthew 13:24-28 In the parable the wheat and the tares are allowed to grow up together until the time of the harvest. Then they are separated and the tares are burnt while the wheat is put into the barn.


I am now in a state that is the crossroads of the Revolutionary War. I have driven through Atlantic City and the towns of Somerville, Tenafly, Springfield, and Hoboken. Where am I?

 New York


 New Jersey


Answer: New Jersey

New Jersey is a dairy state and the most densely populated state in the USA. The historical sites, the Atlantic Shore, and the lighthouses are a tourist's delight.


James Stewart stars in this movie as a Virginia farmer, during the American Civil War, who wishes to remain neutral until one of his sons is captured by Union soldiers. Can you name the movie?


 Destry Rides Again

 The Rare Breed

 Winchester '73

Answer: Shenandoah


A vacation in Tromsø would mean you're in position to enjoy which of these?

 Emperor penguin migrations

 The Northern Lights

 Space shuttle launches

 The Running of the Bulls

Answer: The Northern Lights

Tromsø is located in Norway and is, thus, in a good spot to see the aurora borealis, a phenomenon that can only be encountered in the higher latitudes (while the aurora australis, or the Southern Lights, are in the lower ones). As for the rest, the Running of the Bulls is in Pamplona, Spain, the emperor penguins would be down in Antarctica, and space shuttle launches are typically done closer to the Equator.


 The date was January 28th, 1986 and the Space Shuttle Challenger was launched on its mission to outer space. It never made it. About 73 seconds into the launch, the shuttle exploded over the Atlantic Ocean, killing all seven crew members. Among the crew members was a woman destined to become the first teacher in space. Who was this famous lady?

 Sally Ride

 Eileen Collins

 Judith Resnik

 Christa McAuliffe

Answer: Christa McAuliffe

Christa McAuliffe was chosen from 11,000 applicants to be the first teacher and civilian in outer space. She was a teacher at a school in Concord, New Hampshire and sadly her students who were so proud of her, had to view the tragedy while at school. Judith Resnik was one of the regular astronauts who were part of the Challenger crew. Sally Ride became the first American woman in space in 1984. Eileen Collins became the first woman to pilot a space shuttle in 1995.


What is the name of the falling star that will hit Earth near the end of time?





Answer: Wormwood

Revelation 8:10-11 The falling star Wormwood will affect one third of the water upon Earth making it undrinkable.


 I am in a state that has a lot of farmland and a great city. The towns of New Salem, Springfield, Metropolis, and Champaign all have special sites. I am in the Midwest in a state known for its corn and prairies. Where am I?





Answer: Illinois

This is the Land of Lincoln, the birthplace of Ronald Reagan, Ulysses S. Grant had a home here after the Civil War, and President Obama calls Chicago home. Metropolis has a giant statue of Superman in front of the courthouse even though it is only a small town on the Ohio River. New Salem is where Abe Lincoln came as a young man.


Walter Brennan was the recipient of three Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actor. He appeared in numerous western movies with some of the great western actors. In which of the following westerns did he win one of those Oscars, playing opposite Gary Cooper?

 The Far Country

 Rio Bravo

 The Westerner

 Red River

Answer: The Westerner


What do the initials A.D. (e.g. year 2000 A.D.) stand for, given that B.C. in the same context stands for "Before Christ"?

 Abby Domino

 Anno Domini

 After Death

 Anos Domus

Answer: Anno Domini

Anno Domini translates as "In the Year of the Lord". The literal meaning of, say, 2000 A.D. would be "In the 2000th year of the lord". There has been research questioning the birth date of Christ, however, conventionally, A.D. is just used to signify a different time period than B.C. since many do not know the meaning of it. Said to have been popularised by the scholar Bede, who was the first English historian, although it was not implemented until later on.


In another college campus tragedy, Charles Whitman killed 13 people in a sniper attack while at the top of a 27 story observation tower on August 1st, 1966. At what university did this shooting take place?





Answer: Texas

Besides killing the 13, Whitman also wounded 31 others before he was shot and killed by police. It was also reported that prior to the shooting, Whitman had killed his mother and wife. An autopsy revealed that he had a brain tumor which affected his emotion and motivational skills.


According to Psalm 23, what is the Lord?





Answer: Shepherd

Psalm 23:1 "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."


I have crossed the Mississippi River and visited the towns of Amana, Grand Junction, Fort Dodge and Dubuque. This state has been referred to as "America's Heartland." What state am I in?





Answer: Iowa

With beautiful bluffs on the banks of the Mississippi River and rich farmlands, Iowa is a picturesque state with rolling hills and a rich history of pioneer settlements. Iowa was admitted to the Union in 1846 as the 29th State.


 Lee Van Cleef is well known for his bad guy roles. In which of the following westerns was he a good guy?

 For a Few Dollars More

 High Noon

 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

 Take a Hard Ride

Answer: For a Few Dollars More


You're in a UK town centre when a rather scruffy man approaches you saying "The Big Issue", what does he want you to do?

 Go home with him for a coffee

 Discuss Politics

 Buy a Magazine

 Discuss Religion

Answer: Buy a Magazine


On April 17th, 1995, a man by the name of Timothy McVeigh reportedly picked up a Ryder truck at a body shop. On April 19th he parked the truck outside the Murrah building and at approximately 9:02 am, the truck exploded blowing out the front of the federal building killing 168 people and wounding 800. In what US city did this bombing take place?

 Oklahoma City



 St Louis

Answer: Oklahoma City

McVeigh and his partner Terry Nichols committed an extremely serious act of terrorism. They were part of an anti-government militia group which operated in the US. The attack was said to be revenge for the government's handling of the Waco Texas siege.


 Who said, "I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?"?





Answer: Cain

Genesis 4:9 Cain said this after killing his brother and God asking him where his brother was. God knew that Abel had been slain, but instead of telling the truth Cain posed a question to God.


Again I am driving through another town by the name of Springfield as well as St. Joseph, Creve Coeur, and Cape Girardeau. I am in the Midwest. What state am I in?





Answer: Missouri

Mark Twain was born in Florida, Missouri in 1835. St. Joseph was the rough frontier outpost that was the last supply station for the wagon trains heading west. The state was named after the Missouri River.


We all fondly remember James Garner, as the loveable rogue Bret Maverick in the TV series "Maverick". He did, however, star in a number of western movies shown on the silver screen. Can you name the movie in which he played Wyatt Earp?

 A Man Called Sledge

 Support Your Local Sheriff

 Skin Game

 Hour of the Gun

Answer: Hour of the Gun


In Real Estate speak, what does the term "Gazunder" mean? The opposite of this word is "Gazumper".

 A chamber pot comes with the deal

 There is a gas connection

 A man called Garry will do the deal

 Last minute reduction in offer price

Answer: Last minute reduction in offer price


On April 20th, 1999, tragedy struck Columbine High School when two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, wearing trench coats entered the school and began to open fire on the students and faculty. When the shooting stopped, 12 students and a teacher were dead and 24 others were wounded. In what state was this high school?





Answer: Colorado

Columbine High School is located in Jefferson County not far from Denver. It still remains the third deadliest school shooting tragedy behind the Virginia Tech massacre (2007) and the Texas Tower killings (1966). In regards to the trench coats they wore it was believed that they were part of a social club on school known as "The Trench coat Mafia".


Which of the following is the shortest verse in the Bible?

 John 11:35

 Acts 2:18

 Matthew 6:3

 Revelation 2:2

Answer: John 11:35

John 11:35 The verse is simply two words: "Jesus wept." He did this shortly before bringing Lazarus back to life.


I am now in a state that is one of the "four corners" states where four states meet at one point. Towns of Alamogordo, Taos, Truth or Consequences, and Mescalero are interesting for their history and rich heritage. Where am I?



 New Mexico


Answer: New Mexico

This is a state with strong Spanish, Mexican and Native American cultural influences. With mountains and bluffs, it is one of the most sparsely populated states. The first atomic bomb test was on the Trinity Site in Alamogordo on July 16, 1945.


Clint Eastwood first came to fame as Rowdy Yates in the TV series "Rawhide". He has starred in numerous westerns; in which one does he play the role of Marshal Jed Cooper?

 High Plains Drifter

 Hang 'Em High

 Pale Rider


Answer: Hang 'Em High


What was the name of Jacques Cousteau's first underwater breathing apparatus?





Answer: Aqualung


In the most shocking and deadliest terrorist attacks on American soil, members of the terrorist group known as al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet liners on September 11th, 2001. They crashed two of them into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and a third into the Pentagon. What was the airline and flight number of the fourth plane which crashed in a field in Pennsylvania?

 American Flight 77

 United Flight 175

 United Flight 93

 American Flight 11

Answer: United Flight 93

The passengers of United Flight 93 joined together in an attempt to take control of the plane and by doing so prevented that plane from reaching its probable target, The White House or the Capitol Building. Nearly 3,000 people died in the attack including the terrorists as well as fireman and police who attempted to rescue victims from the World Trade Center.


How many days did Jesus say it would take for him to raise the temple if it was destroyed?





Answer: 3

John 2:19 Jesus said this after throwing the moneychangers out of the temple.


I am in a state named after a European monarch. I have driven through the towns of Lafayette, Lake Charles, Slidell, and Bogalusa. There is a lot of Spanish moss hanging from the old live oaks and in the south, the cemeteries are mausoleums with the graves above ground. Where am I?





Answer: Louisiana

There is a rich mixture of French, Spanish, and African heritage.


Robert Mitchum starred in many western movies. Not his first movie, this is the first movie in which he was billed as the leading male role. It is a remake of a silent movie in 1927 with a similar name to a movie starring Steve McQueen in 1966. Can you name the movie?

 Hoppy Serves a Writ (1943)

 West of the Pecos (1945)

 Nevada (1944)

 River of No Return (1954)

Answer: Nevada (1944)


What word links a harness, a show of displeasure and an ancient punishment device?





Answer: Bridle


On April 16th, 2007 on the campus of Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia, a student went on a shooting rampage which became, at the time, the deadliest shooting in US history. Including the perpetrator, how many people were killed?





Answer: 33

The shooter was a South Korean named Seung Hui Cho who came to the USA with his parents when he was 8 years old. He supposedly killed two people in a dormitory early that morning and then two hours later entered the Norris Hall building armed with two hand guns and about 200 rounds of ammunition.


According to Matthew 22:32, what is God not a god of?

 The wicked

 The sinner

 The dead

 The transgressor

Answer: The dead

Matthew 22:32 God is the god of the living and not of the dead.


I am in the Pacific Northwest even though it does not border the Pacific Ocean. I have traveled through Coeur d'Alene, Downey, Idaho Falls, and Pocatello and if I go far enough north I will be in Canada. Where am I?




 South Dakota

Answer: Idaho

The land that the Russet Burbank potato made famous, Idaho is a mostly mountainous state that borders British Columbia to the north. Ski resorts and whitewater rafting abound in this great outdoors. This is a fabulous place for a vacation.


Gary Cooper won his second Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Will Kane in the classic western movie "High Noon" (1952). Which was the next western movie that he starred in after "High Noon", where he played the role of the Union Officer Major Lex Kearney?

 Garden of Evil

 Man of the West

 Vera Cruz

 Springfield Rifle

Answer: Springfield Rifle


What is fan vaulting?Hint

 Gymnastic jump

 Architectural term

 Cell mutation

 Spanish dance move

Answer: Architectural term
