In July 2016, they became the sixth Dean of the Jack Baskin School of Engineering.
Who is Alexander Wolf?
UCSC’s Expense Reporting System designed to automate and streamline the expense reimbursement, CTE Card and InstantCard reconciliation processes.
What is CruzFly?
This RA is an acclaimed singer for their church.
Who is Patty Madrigal?
This form can be accessed in Banner to find out information about a particular grant.
What is FRAGRNT?
The name of the UC Santa Cruz mascot.
What is Sammy the Banana Slug?
This person succeeded Tood Lowe as the Associate Dean for Research at Baskin Engineering and is Professor in the Department of Computational Media.
Who is Sri Kurniawan?
This program allows faculty to utilize external fund sources to support a portion of their total compensation.
What is the Negotiated Salary Program (NSP)?
This RA can technically visit another state by stepping in their backyard.
Who is Christie Brown?
This report in InfoView provides the distribution of payroll expense.
What is UCPath DOPE?
The nominee of this award will receive a $25 gift card and certificate to celebrate their excellent contributions for the quarter.
What is the Super Slug Award?
This person is the inaugural Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and an Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics.
Who is Marcella Gomez?
RA's receive this form from Academic Personnel to approve postdoc funding.
What is the document inventory?
This RA is a graduate of UCSC with a Bachelor's in Economics.
Who is Havens Ratchye?
The primary role of this group of people is to protect the safety, rights, and welfare of human subjects in research conducted by UC Santa Cruz investigators.
What is IRB (Institutional Review Board)?
This Banana Slug is the daughter of singer Minnie Ripperton and gained notoriety on the sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live.
Who is Maya Rudolph?
This person is the Assistant Dean and Chief of Staff for Baskin Engineering.
Who is Anne Criss?
The secure, award-winning web portal with access to UC’s Systemwide Travel Program comprehensive rates and benefits for all those affiliated with UC.
What is Connexus?
This RA shares the same last name as a famous NFL QB, whose first name is Gardner, that has played for the Jaguars, Eagles, Colts and most recently the Raiders.
Who is James Minshew?
This campus location is home to the UCSC Genome Browser, one of the most widely used tools in genomics worldwide, and hosts many cutting-edge labs.
What is WRP (Westside Research Park)?
This Banana Slug has a certain "mystique" about her.
Who is Rebecca Romijn-Stamos?
This person is the Associate Dean for Graduate Experience and a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering.
Who is Roberto Manduchi?
The form FZAJVEL performs this important function in Banner.
What is encumbrance liquidation?
This trio of RA's have something in common with a particular redwood tree.
Who are Pureshka Panicker, Martin Medina and Alexis Wing?
This program allows PI's to direct charge up to 30% of their academic year research effort to appropriate contracts and grants and use the salary savings generated from their faculty position to create a research fund.
What is FSREP (Faculty Salary Research Exchange Program)?
The student organization at UC Santa Cruz focused on introducing students to hands-on robotics engineering
What is Slugbotics?