What does OD or SID mean
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What is another name for the word Cat
Felis Catus or Feline
What is another name for the word Dog ?
Canis lupus familiaris or Canine
What are the vaccines required for cats to board at our facility
Rabies, FVRCP
What is the popular attraction called in Anaheim CA with the popular character Mickey Mouse
Cardiology is the study of the what?
what does FVRCP stand for
Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia
What is the name of the vaccine used to prevent kennel cough
What are the vaccines require for a dog to board at our facility
Rabies, DAPP, Bord, CIV and Lepto
X-rays are used to take a special photograph called a
What solid coat color is rare for a female cat?
DHLPP stands for
Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvo virus
This term refers to the collection of pus that has accumulated in the cavity formed by the tissue due to infection or other foreign material
The abbreviation 'DSH' means
Domestic Short Hair