Who started the bet?
Alan bet Billy "I'll bet you fifty dollars you can't eat fifteen worms. I really will"
What is a fink?
Fill in the Blank
7th worm:
"Billy ate it __, sideways, reading a comic book"
In the letter sent to Billy's parents, what was one side effect listed from eating worms?
-induced paralysis of the lower fulmar region
-abdominal cramping
-triple vision
What is the name of the boy eating the worms?
What is the bet exactly? How many worms? Days? For what?
15 worms for 15 days for $50
What sauce did Billy eat the 7th and 8th worm with?
Worcestershire sauce
Worm 12 was a toasted-__-and-__ sandwich
toasted-cheese-and-worm sandwich
What does fulmar really mean?
a bird/sea bird
How was the first worm cooked?
How was the fifth worm cooked?
What job did Alan and Joe give Billy's mother?
"...we wondered if you'd make sure Billy eats the worms today and tomorrow."
-pg. 69
-play referee
How was the 11th worm cooked?
*Hint: dessert*
"On a silver dish in front of Billy lay an ice-cream cake bathed in fruit syrups...topped with whipped cram, sprinkled with jelly beans and almond silvers...Its called a Whizbang Worm Delight"
-Page 75
Or with ice cream
What kind of sandwich was the 14 worm in ?
peanut-butter-and-fried-worm sandwich
What 2 condiments did Billy eat the second worm with?
Ketchup and Mustard
Why did Billy wake his mom up at 3:15am for ?
He was having stomach pain from the worms he ate.
How long was the 9th worm?
2 feet long!!
" And we keep right on stuffing him: peanuts, hot dogs, hamburgers, Cracker Jack, ice cream, orange soda....By the time we start home he'll be bloated, drowsy, belching"
-pg. 77
Stuff him with junk foods
What did they try to do to the 15th worm to trick Billy?
They faked the worm by making one out of BEANS!
Fill in the blank:T
Tom took off the pot-holder glove he was wearing. "Think __" he said. "Remember: think __"
"Think FISH" he said. "Remember: think FISH"
What did Joe say happened to his mother when she thought he'd eaten a worm?
"A worm' says my father, nodding solemnly. So my mother fainted, collapsed all helter-skelter right there in the doorway, and lay still, her tongue lolling out fo her mouth, her red hair spread beautifully over the doorsill."
-pg. 33
-she fainted
How did they try to trick Billy with the 9th worm?
"Glue! You glued two crawlers together! Geez! You bunch of lousy cheats!"
-pg. 62
When Billy returns from the stadium and is dozing off, who reminds him of the BET?
His mom
-"Hold still, dear. Did you have a good time? You're certainly home late. Is this part of winning the bet?"
-pg. 83
Who helped Billy win the bet by bringing him the last worm?
"THE WORM! TOM! Pete had brought him a worm! The fifteenth worm!"
-pg. 120