Characteristics of Real #s
Identifying Sets & Subsets
Real Number Relationships
Which One Doesn't Belong?

The difference between counting (natural) numbers and whole numbers...

(What is) whole numbers include zero?

Identify the categories of real numbers to which the square root of 49 belongs.

(What is) counting, whole, integer, rational, and real? 


Two Truths & a Lie: Identify the Lie

- All whole numbers are counting numbers. 

- All counting numbers are whole numbers. 

- All irrational numbers are real numbers. 

(What is) all whole numbers are counting numbers?


All of the following are examples of whole numbers EXCEPT---

Square Root of 9, 15/3, -2, 4.0, and 8.  

What is -2? 


The difference between a whole number and an integer...

(What is) integers include whole numbers and their negatives?

Identify the categories of real numbers to which -4 belongs. 

What is integer, rational, and real?


Two Truths & a Lie: Identify the Lie

- Some whole numbers are counting numbers. 

- Some rational numbers are irrational numbers. 

- Some real numbers are integers. 

What is some rational numbers are irrational numbers?


All of the following are examples of integers EXCEPT ---

6, Square Root of 4 divided by 2, 33, 17/2, and -9. 

What is 17/2? 


The difference between an integer and a rational number...

(What is) rational numbers include positive and negative fractions and decimals that are not necessarily whole?


Identify the categories of real numbers to which -3.75 belongs.

What is rational and real?


- All real numbers are whole numbers. 

- All rational numbers are real numbers. 

- All irrational numbers are real numbers.

What is all real numbers are whole numbers?


All of the following are examples of RATIONAL numbers EXCEPT ---

0, 1, 5.23109... , -4, 1/3, and 2.33333...



The difference between a rational and irrational number...

(What is) rational numbers include fractions and decimals that repeat or terminate, while irrational numbers go on and on without a pattern? 


Identify the categories of real numbers to which the square root of 3 belongs.

What is irrational and real number?


Identify the lie:

- All integers are irrational numbers. 

- All whole numbers are rational numbers. 

- All rational numbers are real numbers.

What is all integers are irrational numbers?

All of the following are irrational numbers EXCEPT ---

pi, square root of 2, square root of 3, square root of 4, and square root of 5. 

What is the square root of 4? 


Draw a visual representation (Venn diagram) that shows the relationship between counting numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and real numbers. 


Identify the categories of real numbers to which 1/3 belongs. 

What is rational and real?


Identify the lie:

- A number can be counting and whole at the same time. 

- A number can be integer and rational at the same time. 

- A number can be rational and irrational at the same time. 

What is a number can be rational and irrational at the same time?


All of the following are counting numbers EXCEPT--

0, 100, 4, 1, 3

What is 0? 
