What does the author’s metaphor reveal about the dare pranks? 

That was the beginning of the plague that infested the school. “Dare and do” was the order of the day.

a. The dare pranks caused an unsafe environment for the students and masters.

b. The dare pranks required an expert to come in to determine how to stop them.

c. The dare pranks were only fun once the masters got involved.

d. The dare pranks affected everyone at the school in a negative manner.

d. The dare pranks affected everyone at the school in a negative manner.


Which phrase helps the reader determine the meaning of the word subtle? 

Another more subtle change that is occurring, according to scientists, is the slow expansion of the entire island toward the mainland as winds and storms depository sand on the island’s west side.

a. “Entire island”

b. “Winds and storms”

c. “Slow expansion”

d. “Deposit sand”

c. “Slow expansion”


What impact do the phrases “torments of poison ivy” and “dreaded plant” in paragraph 1 have on the passage? 

a. The phrases explain that poison ivy is unattractive.

b. The phrases emphasize that poison ivy should be researched further.

c. The phrases stress that poison ivy should be taken seriously.

d. The phrases suggest that poison ivy is everywhere. 

c. The phrases stress that poison ivy should be taken seriously.


What does the messenger mean when he commands Sentaro to “live a good and industrious life” in paragraph 22?

a. Sentaro should tell others about the true meaning of life. 

b. Sentaro should be kind to strangers. 

c. Sentaro should work hard to treat others well.

d. Sentaro should try to become successful in business.

c. Sentaro should work hard to treat others well.


What does the word "adversity" mean in the following sentence?

Despite facing adversity, she never gave up on her dreams.

A) Success B) Wealth C) Difficulty D) Happiness



How does the word choice “stupendous forces” impact the tone of the passage? 

But we may never achieve that complete mystery of the stupendous forces that drive earth’s “weather machine.”

a. The word choice creates an aggressive and violent tone. 

b. The word choice creates an impressed and amazed tone.

c. The word choice creates a mysterious and peculiar tone.

d. The word choice creates a silly and lighthearted tone.

b. The word choice creates an impressed and amazed tone.


What word could replace enlivens in the sentence? 

Outdoor art enlivens every step down from the aquarium to the art museum.

a. Crowds

b. Encourages

c. Diminishes

d. Excites

d. Excites


What is the meaning of the word precise as it is is used in the sentence? 

The young hunter had known the precise spot to aim at, and he had made a perfect shot.

a. Exact

b. Largest

c. Weakest

d. Worst


a. Exact


What is the meaning of the personification? 

Though the flags flapped in the morning wind: the sun of noon looked down, and saw not one.

a. All of the flags in town had been taken away by midday. 

b. The sun’s light was obscured by the waving of the flags.

c. The town was empty after the troops marched through with flags. 

d. All of the flags had been burned by rebel soldiers. 

a. All of the flags in town had been taken away by midday.


hat does the word "exquisite" imply in this sentence?

The chef prepared an exquisite meal for the special occasion.

A) Ordinary B) Mediocre C) Delicious D) Unappetizing

C. Delicious


Which words mean the same as compile as it is used in the sentence? 

The stations then send the information to centers where powerful computers are used to compile the information onto maps.

a. Accumulate; acquire

b. Assemble; collect

c. Reformat; resize

d. Print; record


b. Assemble; collect


What is the meaning of the word cultivate as it is used in the context of the sentence? 

From the little I’ve seen of the Smithly-Dubbs, I don’t think I want to cultivate a relationship,” said Lady Drankmanton.

a. Assist

b. Develop

c. Improve

d. Support

b. Develop


What is the meaning of luminaries as it is used in the sentence? 

Neither did the great quantum physicist Richard Feynman, or any of the other luminaries: Niels Bohr, Lev Landau, Werner Heisenberg, Maria Goeppert Mayer.

a. International famous leaders

b. Important electrical devices

c. Experts in specific fields

d. Substances that are bright

c. Experts in specific fields


What is the meaning of the word rent as it is used in the sentence? 

It rent the banner seam and gash.

a. Scorched

b. Ripped

c. Prevented

d. Passed

b. Ripped


In the sentence, what does "opaque" mean?

The mist was so dense that it made the windows opaque.

A) Transparent B) Clear C) Cloudy D) Impossible to see through

D. Impossible to see through


Based on the sentences below, what does saffron mean? 

“But high up, their tops were green and caught the saffron light of the west. He remembered that when a boy, he thought there was nothing more beautiful than the evening sunshine falling athwart the dark green fir boughs on the hills.

a. Green

b. Yellow

c. Dark

d. West

b. Yellow


Which phrase from Paragraph 4 shows how the author uses figurative language to express Lady Drakmanton’s opinion of the Misses Smithly Dubb?

a. “... they almost demand it..”

b. “... and hang about the lobby just about lunch time..”

c. “... with their tongues hanging out of their mouths..”

d. “... hustle me into a taxi and scream Ritz..”

c. “... with their tongues hanging out of their mouths..”


How does the word choice impact the tone of the passage? 

Her cheek might pale at what she had to see, but there was no flinching in those clear, gray-blue eyes, no trembling of those firm lips.

a. It creates an admiring tone. 

b. It creates an annoyed tone,

c. It creates a joyful tone. 

d. It creates a scornful tone.

a. It creates an admiring tone.


What does the word trivial mean as it is used in the sentence? 

How trivial, in such an hour, seem the ordinary affairs civilized mankind.

a. Depressing

b. Insignificant

c. Interesting

d. Shameful

b. Insignificant


What is the meaning of the word "fortuitous" in the sentence below?

It was fortuitous that I found my lost wallet just before my trip.

A) Expected B) Planned C) Accidental D) Expensive

C. Accidental


How does the personification of nature emphasize the author’s point?

 But on Padre Island, it is not the work of man but the handiwork of nature that is most evident.

a. It shows that nature is the main force of change on the island.

b. It shows that man has build many structures along the islands. 

c. It shows the importance of lighthouses on rocky beaches. 

d. It shows the response of wildlife the island.


a. It shows that nature is the main force of change on the island.


Based on the context of paragraph 5, what is the meaning of the word furor? 

“... I stood amazed at the furor I had unwittingly caused.”

a. Exciting debut

b. Further confusion

c. New design

d. Strong response

b. Further confusion


Which quotation from the passage is figurative language showing Sentaro’s experience living in the country of Perpetual Life?

a. “... and for the present never even dreamed of going back to his old home..”

b. “As years went by, however, things did not go as smoothly as at first.”

c. “Time passed like the flight of an arrow for him.”

d. “... and then at last he began to grow tired of life in this country.”

c. “Time passed like the flight of an arrow for him.”


What does the word consistent mean as it is used in the sentence? 

The consistent among all versions of the myth of the Titanic is the notion of the vessel as the “unsinkable” ship which sank on “her” maiden voyage.

a. Dependable 

b. Steady

c. Unfailing

d. Uniform

c. Unfailing


What does the word "diligent" mean in the following sentence?

The diligent student always completed her homework ahead of time.

A) Lazy B) Careless C) Hardworking D) Unfocused

C. Hardworking
