These providers can be the the child/ren’s aunts, uncles, and grandparents.
What is Exempt Relative Providers
What is PA?
These providers have been granted a license from CCLD to operate a small or large Family Childcare, or a Center.
What are Licensed Providers ?
What is is PV?
These are individuals that are not blood related to the parents and the children that will be in care in other words, they can be friends, neighbors, siblings of the children, or extended family.
What is Exempt Providers-Trustline ?
License Exempt provider who is a direct relative of the child in care.
What is EXP-REL-PV ?
These providers serve children who are at least 4 years and 9 months of age and no older than 18 years of age, offer education or academic tutoring or both in a world language and not operated out of a residential home
what is Heritage Provider ?
Community Care Licensing Department
What is CCLD?
This refers to the maximum reimbursement rate that a provider can be compensated by the agency depending on their license status and location of their facility.
What is RMR?