The mascot of Nintendo?
Who is Super Mario?
How many bases are on a baseball field?
How much is 4?
This dog breed is known for having the anger of 10,000 men.
What is a Chihuahua?
This game came out in 1981 and was the first appearance of Super Mario who was named Jumpman at the time.
Is this game Donkey Kong?
The most favored sport in America?
What is football?
Paul Bunyan's Ox was this color in the story.
What color is Blue?
A rival of Sonic the Hedgehog and has the power of psychokinesis.
Is this character Silver the Hedgehog?
A football game typically last?
Does it last 4 quarters?
What is the biggest animal a snake can eat?
What is a cattle?
The main protagonist of popular metal gear rising revengeance.
Who is Raiden?
How long is a marathon?
How long is 26.2 miles?
What is a Rhino's horn made of?
What is Keratin?
This character is known for defeating the demon Ganon across multiple timelines.
Who is Link?
How many different ways are there for a batter to reach first base in baseball?
How much is 8?
this unique frog was once a popular delicacy in the Caribbean islands. Its taste and texture were said to resemble that of chicken meat, which led to the rather peculiar name.
What is a Mountain Chicken?