How old is Camila
How old will Vanessa be in 2 years
Vanessa will be 14 in 2023
When is Sofia's Birthday
February 12
What is Aliah's Full Name
Aliah Cassidy Morales
Name 5 Youtuber's
( You named 5 you win 100 Points )
What is her cat's name
Angel and Snowy
When is Vanessa's Birthday
November 16
What is Sofia's Tiktok Name?
How many sisters do Aliah Have?
Aliah has 2 sisters names Azalea and Alvica
What are we learning in Math currently
Subtracting and Adding Fractions
What is Camila's Favorite Song
Isabella's Lullaby or Your New Boyfriend
What is Vanessa's Favorite Song
Take me Church or Train Wreck
What is Sofia's Aesthetic
What is Ailah's Aesthetic?
Indie Fashion or Aesthetic ( Same thing)
What should you break before you use it?
An Egg
What other device does she use in class
Mac desktop
What is Vanessa's Aesthetic
Dark or Light Academia
How do you pronounce Sofia's Last name
I got it off of google
Does Aliah have Braces?
No she has straight teeth
What's Vanessa's TikTok name
Thanks for telling me i forgot
What is Camila's Sign
Is Vanessa a Water Sign
Yes, They are a Scorpio
How long has Sofia known each of us
Vanessa 1st grade - 5th grade, Aliah 4th Grade, Camila 3 months and a half
What is Aliah's Tiktok page
If you are running in a race and you pass the person in second place, what place are you in?
second place