Spencer Agnew
You can ask for a lyric. If you don't get it off of lyric, you can have the beginning of the song played!
You're On Your Own, Kid.
What word was used most to describe the desk in Chapter 3's original draft?
Rabid rodent fever, an illness with symptoms that if left untreated could result in death, occurs after your sim is bit by one of these animals.
What is a rodent?
Sarah Christ
Amanda Lehan-Canto
You can ask for a lyric if you want one! If you don't get it with a lyric, I can play the beginning of the song for you.
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Poet is this many years older than Nicolai. You don't get a hint sentence, this is your book.
Once I killed four out of five of my sims using this method for a storyline but I was trying to kill just the one sim but they survived. Anyways, all you need is a rug too close to a fireplace.
What is death by fire?
Donnie Buttons
I'll give you a lyric if you need a hint. Need more? I can play the beginning of the song for you.
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince
This inside joke made it into chapter 1.
What is Efficency is Fun?
This death, exclusive to sims 3, could result in Sims' ghostly form being a rainbow rather than one static color (which is typical, as the sims 3 ghost color indicates how they died, rather than Sims 4 where ghost color indicates mood). This death has a 1% chance of occurring any time your sims interact with a specific object -- you may want to keep it away from Jack and his bean stalks.
What is death by jellybean? / What is death by magic beans?
Your Mental Illness
Tommy Bowe
You can ask for a lyric. If you don't get it off of lyric, I'll start the beginning of the song for you.
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This item may be small and shattered, but it is one of the ways Nico could tell that the study had been deliberately trashed.
What is the glass inkwell?
This death in the sims 4, introduced in High School Years, is caused after hearing about one too many bloody mary -- or maybe bloody bella? -- stories. Only teens can die this way.
What is death by Urban Myth?
Shayne Topp
Angela Giarattana
If you need a hint, I'll give a lyric. If you need more than that, I can play the beginning of the song!
I Bet You Think About Me
This notable item from the prologue was the last thing that Yggrym saw.
What is the golden mask?
This death type, introduced with The Sims 4 Life and Death expansion pack, is a death the artist would be proud of. But man, beaks are sharp!
What is death by murder of crows?