The best way to communicate with God
Pray to him!
We give God respect and honor in this form of prayer
Blessing and Adoration
This prayer is said the most during a rosary.
The Hail Mary
The first female Saint...
Blessed Mary, mother of God
Something Jesus did every day
This prayer is called "The Lord's Prayer"
The Our Father
When you speak to Jesus, is it best to pray to him like he is your teacher, father, friend, or coach?
The Saint that Jesus made the first Pope
Saint Peter
True or false, do you need to say prayers out loud for God to hear them.
False...God always hears our prayers, even if they are just in our hearts.
In this form of prayer, we give thanks for all that God has given us.
This "composite" prayer form has 66 prayers built into it when you say it fully, and takes 15 minutes to say.
The Rosary
Prayer is a form of ______________ with God.
The "Internet Saint"...he died at 15 years old in 2006.
Blessed Carlo Acutis.
Where is the best place to pray? At church, in your bed, with your parents, or anywhere at all?
In this form of prayer, we ask God to help others.
This prayer begins with the words, "Angel of God" and ends with "to light and guard, to rule and guide".
The Guardian Angel Prayer
Prayer is a way to help ______________ you love.
Anyone...freinds, family, teachers...anyone!
He is known as the most important Saint to show fathers how be great and patient.
When is the best time to pray...morning, noon, night, dinner, or anytime?
In this type of prayer, we ask God to help us for things we need in life
Which prayer is the shortest prayer of the Rosary?
the "Glory Be"
What is something prayer can do for you physically? Make your taller, make you smarter, calm you down, or make you a better piano player?
Calm you down
Name the four Saints who wrote the Gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John