Cerebral Palsy
Assistive Devices
Adaptive Devices


What is cerebral palsy?

According to the CDC, Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that impacts a persons mobility, balance, and posture.


Benefits of assistive devices

Improved performance, ability to express themselves, increased vocabulary, comprehension and reading level, and reduce burden on parents. Overall, improved quality of life.


Benefits of adaptive devices

Help with daily living activities.


Client Factors

8 year old boy with CP (spastic quadriplegia), Bilingual, friendly, strong verbal skills, high muscle tone with abnormal movement patterns and tremors, muscle weakness, grasp and visual motor deficits. Poor postural control that affects sitting, balance, breath control, endurance, and occasionally fluency of speech.


What other adaptations can help Manny and his family?


What symptoms are present in children with cerebral palsy?

Symptoms vary between people. Some people may have severe difficulty walking or may not be able to walk at all. However, CP impacts movement and posture in all people. Other conditions may present as intellectual disabilities, seizures, visual issues, hearing, speech, and problems in the spine and joints.


Writing aids (grasping)

pencil/pen grips, weighted pen/pencil, and typing aids (requires pointing and sometimes wrapped around hand with velcro).


Aids for positioning in beds, chairs, and couches...

Proper positioning in supine (use towels and pillows to maintain position), side-lying (head to feet supported in a straight position with pillow/blanket), seated (head upright, back straight, leg and feet supported, and arms slightly forward). 


Manny's performance skills

Requires assistance to use feeding utensils and positioning of the body. Needs assistance to move self with wheelchair. Has difficulty sleeping. Dependent for most ADLs. Overall, poor motor skills. Is able to read, play video games, and listen to music. Strong verbal skills and good cognitive skills.


Are there other aspects of Manny's home that can be adapted?


What are the three types of CP?

Spastic, Dyskinetic, and Ataxia. Sometimes mixed.


Assistive devices for daily tasks

Adaptive dressing aids, long handle bath sponges and brushes, adaptive bath benches, raised or lowered toilet seats, safety grab bars in rooms, weighted silverware, cups, bowls and plates, reaching aids, non-slip mats, and pull-out tables.


What are some examples of adaptive devices?

Aids for positioning, bathroom equipment, dressing support, eating equipment, adaptive toys, and adjustable tables.


What do we know about Manny at home (context)?

Manny needs a home that is wheelchair accessible and is moving into a single room for families in Harlem, NY with an elevator. Father is supportive and receives funding for medical services and state-funded grant for community services. Aunt helps babysit. 


What may be some difficulties that Manny and his family may face when obtaining equipment?


What intervention services are available through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) ?

 Part C of IDEA deals with early intervention services (birth through 36 months of age), while Part B applies to services for school-aged children (3 through 21 years of age)


Mobility devices

Orthotic devices (accommodative and functional), lifts (stair lifts, transfer lifts, floor lifts, sit to stand), wheelchairs (know where it will be used, width and height, cushioning, rests for leg and feet, battery type, size and type of tires, costs).


Adaptive toys

Foam holders for sidewalk chalk, jiggly animals, and vibrating devices to help strengthen muscles. Adaptive switches such as a button, finger, or foot switch.


What devices can Manny benefit from?

Feeding utensils, transfer lifts, wheelchairs, braces, and splints.



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, May 2). What is cerebral palsy? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved November 29, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/cp/facts.html 


Financial assistance

SSDI (Social security disability insurance), Variety-The Children's Charity-Freedom Program (walkers, standing aids, positioning systems, vehicle modifications, adaptive bicycles), and legal assistance (ex: Cerebral Palsy Family Lawyers help compensate for medical expenses, reimbursement for home accommodations, education, counseling, therapy, and assistive equipment).


Adaptive clothing

Changing footwear and socks while using ankle foot orthosis, clothing with buttons or velcro closures, and outerwear for wheelchair users.


