"Hello!" in Spanish.
What is "¡Hola!"
The time of day known in Spanish as "mañana"
What is "morning"
How you would greet a man at 1:00 PM in Spanish.
What is "Buenas Tardes"
The version of "you" in Spanish that is informal.
What is "tu"
The meaning of "¿Que tal?"
What is "What's up?"
The meaning of mañana that is not "morning"
What is tomorrow?
What is "Que tal"
The version of "you" that is formal in Spanish.
What is "usted"
The Spanish greeting that sounds like an Italian greeting.
What is "¡Chao!"
The greeting to Mrs. Honeyford we say when we enter class.
What is "Buenas tardes"
How to ask someone their name in Spanish.
What is "Como te llamas"
How to formally ask someone their name in Spanish.
What is "Como se llama usted?"
What you would say to a Spanish man to greet him in the morning.
What is "¡Buenos dias!"
How you would greet a Spanish woman at 1:00 PM.
What is "¡Buenas Tardes!"
How to say "How are you" in Spanish.
How to say "See you tomorrow, James" in Spanish
What is "Hasta mañana, Santiago"
Welcome, but in Spanish.
What is "¡Bienvenido!"
"See you later" in Spanish.
How you would say "Welcome, boys" in Spanish.
What is "Bienvenidos, chicos"
How to say "See you tomorrow, Mr. Fischer" in Spanish.
What is "Hasta mañana, Senor Fischer"