4 National Model Sections
Define, Deliver, Manage and Access
What theorist has 8 developmental stages?
Erik Erickson
Krumbolts's Career Theory
planned and unplanned experiences build the skills e need to guide careers
"the best opportunities happen unexpectedly"
Who said development is influenced by various environmental systems?
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems theory
What does FERPA stand for?
family, education, rights, privacy, act
ASCA Themes
Leadership, Advocacy, Collaboration, systemic change
Who is the theorist who emphasized moral development
Lawrence Kohlberg
What are the categories for Holland Career Theory?
artistic, social, realistic, investigative, enterprising, conventional
What did Bandura believe in social/cognitive development?
Regardless of the students ______, romantic or sexual relationships between staff and student are prohibited
3 Domains of School Counseling
Academic, SEL, College and Career
Piaget stage when a child has no sense of others and thinks "if you cant see me, I cant see you" is called
Ann Roe Career Theory
theory suggests it is helpful exploring how past experiences influence what we value in a career
What are the main 2 components in the "deliver" portion of ASCA?
direct and indirect student services
We can promise confidentiality UNLESS
harm to themselves or other the law requires it
3 types of program results data
Process data
Perception Data
Outcome Data
What theorist emphasized social/cognitive development and had no "stages" in their theory
Frank Parson's trait and factor theory
Helps people align abilities with available careers
"father of vocational guidance"
What is a school data profile?
student and school data that helps monitor student success and determine what students need to achieve school success
If a teacher asks you to handle suspension for a student because the principal is not available, what is the correct response?
according to ASCA and 50/30, it would not be appropriate for me to handle anything regarding discipline
Thank you for asking ;)
What is an advising counsel?
group of stakeholders selected to review the school counseling program
-community members
The 2 main developmental stages in Erik Erickson's theories that school counselor's will see the most is?
Industry v. Inferiority
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Super's Developmental self-concept theory in careers
Believed career goals can change as people change
Create realistic goals as your priorities switch
What did Murray Bowen's family systems emphasize?
Describes how families function as EMOTIONAL units
Emphasized "triangles"- 3 person system is a building black of relationships
A child in middle school. 12 years old tells you they are pregnant and asks you not to tell their parents because they are worried their parents will hurt them, what is the best way to handle the situation?
By law, we do not have to tell parents about the pregnancy but should ask more about their safety to see if a CPS call is required