Problem Solving
How are they feeling?
Problem Solving at Work
Conversation Skills
Final Jeopardy

What did the boy do wrong?  What did he do right?

The boy was playing ball in the wrong place.  The boy hit the lady with the ball.

He apologized.  He should play somewhere else.


Allison is wearing a uniform. She is packing her bag with a glove, ball and cleats.  Where is Allison going?

Need choices?

-basketball camp

-swim team

-a baseball game


Claire's best friend just moved to another town. Claire hasn't come out of her bedroom all day. She doesn't want to eat or play.  How is Claire feeling?

She is sad. She misses her friend.


You are trying to work, but a co-worker keeps talking to you and it's very distracting. What can you do?

Ask them nicely to stop talking because it's hard for you to do your job.

Ask them if you can talk during lunch, because you're trying to do your job.


What should Mike do to 'drive' the conversation (keep it going)?

Mike should look at the person speaking (make eye contact).

Mike should participate in conversation by asking questions or making comments.


What is the man thinking?

He thinks the dog killed/ buried the cat.


Stacey is making macaroni and cheese for dinner. She grabs the pot off the stove and burns herself. The burn hurts badly and begins to blister.  

What is the problem?  

What should she do?

The problem is she burned herself.

She should ask her parent for help. 

She should see a doctor. 


Tommy went to the pond. He took his fishing pole and tackle box. He came home with a big smile.   Why was Tommy smiling?

He caught a fish.


Tony likes to play football. Tomorrow there are tryouts for the team. He really wants to make the team and has recently started biting his nails.  How is Tony feeling?

He feels nervous.

He feels anxious.


You start to feel sick while you are at work.  What should you do?

Tell your supervisor you're not feeling well and see if you can go home.


Is Josh driving the conversation (keeping it going)? or Is he stopping the conversation?  What should he do differently?

Josh is stopping the conversation.

He should:

-look at the girl speaking


-contribute to the conversation (taking turns speaking - not just one word responses)


When Carly came home from school, she smelled smoke in the house. Her parents are not at home. 

What is the problem?

What should Carly do?

The problem is Carly smells smoke and that means there might be a fire.

Carly should get out of the house.

Carly should call the fire department and her parents.

Carly could go to a neighbor's house.


It was Melissa's birthday and she was excited to open her presents. She really wanted a new bike. Just as she finished opening gifts, she looked up and saw her father rolling something into the room. Melissa smiled broadly.   Why did Melissa smile?

Because she got a bike for her birthday.


How does Duke feel?





You are working in the garden department of a large store. You notice the guy you work with, your co-worker, is not working as hard as you are. What should you do?

Nothing.  You should continue to do well at your job. Mind your own business.


Did Rachel (the girl with the stripes) drive the conversation (keep it going) or stop the conversation?

She is stopping the conversation.

She should adjust her body language. 

She should look at the person speaking.

She should make comments and ask questions to keep the conversation going.


What is the problem? What can Tavi do?

The problem is that Tavi did not do well on a test.

Tavi could ask for extra help.

Tavi could study more.


Jeremy started sneezing. It was allergy season but pollen never bothered him before. I recently got a new cat. I noticed pet hair on Jeremy's shirt.  Why is Jeremy sneezing?

He is allergic to the cat.


How does he feel?


Let down

Very sad


You have to fill out paperwork for your job.  You don't know how to fill out the papers correctly.  What could you do?

Ask a supervisor for assistance.

If you're home, ask a parent for help.


Is Zach following the rules of conversation? What should he do differently?

Zach should give his friend the chance to talk.  Taking turns during conversation is an important conversation rule.


Bethany stubbed her toe on the bedroom door. Her toe does not hurt but won't stop bleeding.  

What is the problem?

What should Bethany do?

Bethany hurt her toe and it is bleeding everywhere.

Bethany should get a bandaid.

Bethany should tell someone, like a parent, that she is hurt.


What do we know about Mr. Bean?

He was not prepared for the test.

He doesn't know the answers.


How does he feel?



Very Happy


What did the lady with the green sweater do wrong? Why is that a problem?

The lady is late for work.

You are expected to be on time for work.

It is not okay to be late to work repeatedly.


Identify 2 'good things' about this conversation?  What 'drove' the conversation to make it a good one?

The boys looked at each other.

They asked questions and made comments.

They took turns speaking.

They stayed on topic.

They did not interrupt each other.
