Where can the routing and account number be found?
Account Info Tab
How many types of virtual wallet accts are there?
To move money from one PNC account to another is called?
Funds transfer
when you need to research something where do you look?
to update a customer's address what tab would you use?
account info tab?
My debit card is declining...where do you look for declined transactions ?
pending activity tab
How much is the overdraft fee?
To move funds from one bank to your PNC bank account is called?
external transfer
If an account owner is under 18 what type of account can they open?
Student account
When a customer can't be verified what department do we reach out to?
I need a new pin... What do you do and how?
direct to a branch or send out a pin mailer
How much are the ATM fees for using a non PNC ATM?
How often are statements generated?
Every 30 days
When a customer calls in about a safety deposit box...what department do we direct them to?
If an account holder dies and there are no beneficiaries or a poa on the account who does the family go to?
Family court
Where can you unlock OLB acct
How much is the stop payment fee?
To enroll in OLB what is needed?
account number and pin
When you ask the customer questions in regards to the account or an issue they are having what are you doing?
If a transaction has not posted to the account what status is it in?
I need to order checks...what tab would I use
Trans history and check order tab
Which account type gives you a spend, growth, and reserve?
Virtual Wallet
What 2 things can we use to KYC a customer?
Full account or full ss#
Where would we look to see if there is a hold on the account?
Account Info, and status
To verify an account what is needed from the debit card?
last 5 digits and expiration date