What is Jasmine's original last name?
What is Zaplishny
What is Salena's full name?
Salena Kay Kay Leen Stewart
What's Trinity's full name
Trinity Rose Grant
What's Jakes favorite snack
Donut-powdered sugar
What is Nicole's birthday
March 8
What is Jasmine's mom's first name?
What is Chrystal
What is Salena's favorite drinks?
Red Bull, Sprite & Dr. Pepper
Who is Trinity's favorite friend
What song does Jake like to sing
The letter song from Blues Clues
What is Nicole's middle name
What is Jasmine's sisters name?
What is Isley
What's the name of Salena's dog?
Sophia Kay Leen Stewart
What's Trinity's favorite clothing
Boots, boot cut jeans and a belt
What exercise does Jake like
What's Nicole's favorite video game
What's the name of her disability?
Cerebral Palsey
What are Salena's favorite 3 classes?
Welding, Food & Travel and Weight training
What's Trinity's favorite snack candy
Sour Patch Kids
What color is Jakes jacket
Camo green
What is Nicole's favorite snack food
Chips-hot ones
What club does Jazzy belong to?
How many pets has Salena had?
6 dogs, 7 cats and 1 bunny
What is Trinity's mom's full name
Megan Ann Weyant
What is Jake's favorite class
What is band
What type of pet does Nicole have?