How many kids are in Poppy's family?
What is written in the playhouse?
DFTBA (Don't forget to be awesome); Our names: Madi, Sadie, Sam, Auni, Jenna, Baylee, Elle.
What is Grandmas Address?
347 South Miller Lane, St David AZ
What was the family secret that was made public in the 80s?
The Kartchner Caverns
What is hidden in the mesquite?
What is the Kartchners home phone number?
What was Almas Nickname?
Where did Grandma hide her Christmas Presents?
In her closet
Eldon and Tyson had to gather these when they got out
The cows
Why are there no Wedding photos of Grandma and Poppy?
The photographer F'ed up!
What did Poppy use to hide in his closet during Christmas time?
Peanut Brittle
Who was stiched up on the dinning room table?
Who was recognized by the governor of Arizona as the mother of the year?
Grandma K (Poppys Mom)
What did Grandma and Poppy hide under the main bathroom countertop?
Gold Bars
Which three kids built the desk and the porch?
Jason, Eldon and Tyson