Caity was in the Delta Gamma sorority at JMU, and their symbol was a ___?
Caity's first kiss EVER and first ___ was in high school with Logan Woodcock…oh, the irony
Hand job
Mermaids are said to have special powers, name at least 3 distinct magical powers that they have?
Singing, controlling the weather, seeing the future, mind-control, hypnosis, and immortality
BI shares an ocean with this submerged city, where it is said mermaids rule?
The first time Caity visited New Orleans, it was on a volunteer trip out of College, to re-build homes post which hurricanes destruction?
Caitys zodiac constellation is found in a region of the sky often called the Sea due to its profusion of constellations with watery associations such as Cetus the whale, Pisces the fish, and Eridanus the river. What is her astrology sign?
Caity met her “second” boyfriend when they lived in the same dorm freshman year. He used to burn CD mixtapes for her and post #___ insta posts on a certain day of the week in tribute to her (so 2010s)
#WCW (woman crush Wednesday)
Mermaids, or sometimes Sirens, are found in several cultures across the world, but which ancient civilization is the oldest?
BI has been the scene of countless maritime disasters, prompting people to call it this ___ of the north
It’s long been a tradition in weddings to say “till death do us part” but in New Orleans it’s common knowledge that might not be the case - for the city is home to ___ and ___ alike (ie Lestat, Jean Lafitte).
Vampires & Ghosts
When Caity was born her dad had just arrived back in time from deployment on this type of naval vessel?
Lion Ree, a spoonerism for his real name, was great for free rides around town, buying middle-shelf alcohol, and dialing late at night for a decent time. He was Caity’s go-to friend with ___.
The word "maid" comes from the 12th century Middle English word mayde or maide, which is a shortened version of maiden. Maiden was used to describe a young, unmarried woman, especially a ____ (none of Caity’s bridesmaids can say they qualify 😂).
It is said the Palatine was lured to the shoals with a false light by islanders, who then raided and murdered the passengers (palatine grave is near our Airbnb), set the Palatine afire and sent it out to sea to hide their crime. BI locals can still see the palatine aflame with no crew, sail every December. What is the nomenclature for this type phenomena?
ghost ship
New Orleans is a city with many nicknames, but the one given for the shape of the city against the river is amongst Caity’s faves since she has always had an affinity for for the night sky.
Crescent City
What nautical tattoo does Caity’s fiance Jordan have on his body?
Caity’s last ex-boyfriend (ever 😗), she met off of ___. She’s since deleted the app.
Mermaids have been accused of being vain, what are two symbols depicting this that they are often seen with?
Mirror and Comb
Found in a fisherman's net, a mysterious 14-foot serpentine skeleton was displayed on Block island for two days, before it was stolen by “kidnappers”. The monster has come to be known as this nickname, similar to another famous monster that lives in a Scottish lake
Blockness Monster
Last time Caity was in New Orleans, she was told that her heart line was very long, which would mean she’d have a long and happy love. The palm reading was complimentary but the ___ card reading was gonna be extra.
Caity’s great great grandfather was one of the first settlers of Block Island, but he was originally from what other island nation?
Great Britain
Jordan is a theater man, and together him and Caity lovvvee to see plays at the ___. One not-so-special night there, they go to see a who-dunnit and afterwards decide to have a race on the rooftop. The rest is happily-ever-after ❤️🔥🧨
Kennedy Center
Christopher Columbus reported seeing mermaids on his way to the Americas, but historians attempted to dispel this by saying he likely saw these marine animals?
It’s been rumored for hundred of years, that the pirate Capt. William Kidd, had buried ___ on Block Island before his death in 1701.
After newly weds are married or when a person has died, loved ones will celebrate the new chapter by having a brass band enter the street and by parading and dancing after them, in what’s known as a ___.