Initial Investigative Activities


A person identified by any subject of a report or other involved party that has knowledge about the subject’s situation that serves to support, corroborate, or disprove information by the subject. May be family member, friends or neighbors, or professionals.

What is a collateral?


In-person contact, or good faith attempt, with the alleged child victim and in-person examination of the environment for inadequate shelter and environmental neglect reports only. (300.50)

What is 24-Hour Mandate?


A process whose purpose is to identify the likelihood of moderate to severe harm, i.e. safety threats, in the immediate future.

What is CERAP? the Child Endangerment Risk Assessment Protocol


Unreasonable restriction of a child's mobility, actions or physical functioning by tying the child to a fixed (or heavy) object, or tying limbs together.

What is tying? 


A person who as a result of an investigation has been determined by the Department to have caused child abuse or neglect.

Who is a Perpetrator?


This must be made every 24 hours, including weekends and holidays.

What is a good faith attempt?


The Child Protection Specialist does this by observing, photographing, and documenting the vicinity and surroundings where an incident of child abuse or neglect is alleged to have occurred. (300.60)

What is a scene investigation?


Family strengths or action taken by caregivers on their own initiative (i.e. not instigated by Department staff) that keeps children safe from identified safety threats.

What is mitigation? 


This form shall be completed by the Child Protection Specialist if a child has been alleged to have external marks/injuries. Photographs of a child’s injuries may also be taken and used to support the descriptive documentation.

What is a CANTS 2A or CANTS 2B?


These decisions are time sensitive and made throughout the life of an investigation. 

What is critical decisions?


Within this timeframe, CPS shall submit completed investigation and Final Determination to supervisor. (300.50a)

What is 55 days? 


Gives Child Protection staff, police officers and physicians the authority to take temporary protective custody of a child whom they believe has been abused or neglected or is at substantial risk of physical injury. 300.30

What is ANCRA? The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act


When there are conditions that create a real, significant, and imminent likelihood of harm to a child’s health, physical wellbeing, or welfare and that the likelihood of harm is the result of the parent/caregiver’s blatant disregard of his/her responsibility to exercise reasonable precautionary measures to prevent or mitigate the imminent risk of moderate to severe harm.

What is allegation 60, Substantial Risk of Physical Injury/Environment Injurious to Health and Welfare?


These checks are required for all child abuse or neglect reports and shall be requested for all subjects of the report who are age 13 and older. (300.20)

What is LEADS? Law Enforcement Agency Data Systems


This shall be established by The Child Protection Specialist in describing what happened at least 24 to 48 hours immediately preceding the injury or incident of abuse or neglect. (300.60)

What is a timeline?
