In what century did the Khmer Empire begin?
What is another name given to the Black Death?
The Bubonic Plague
What is the name of the famous Khmer place of worship which is also now one of the modern wonders of the world?
Angkor Wat
Is a statue from an ancient temple a primary or a secondary source?
What TWO animals or insects carried the Black Death?
Rats and fleas
In what century did the Khmer Empire end?
The mask was shaped like a beak and had two small nose holes and was a type of respirator which contained aromatic items. The beak could hold dried flowers (commonly roses and carnations), herbs (commonly lavender and peppermint), camphor, or a vinegar sponge.
Red, Blue and white
Is a photo of a Middle Ages costume a primary or secondary source?
Describe the middle ages weapon called a MACE
a pole fitted with a heavy head made of stone, iron, bronze or steel.
When did the Middle Ages of Europe roughly start and end? (Nearest centuries)
What type of roof did a LONGHOUSE have?
What is the name given to the Viking letters of the alphabet?
Is the Daintree Rainforest a primary or secondary source for archeologists seeking information about indigenous communities?
What MAJOR RIVER runs through the Khmer Empire and still today?
When did the Black Death arrive in Europe? (roughly to the closest 50 years)
What is a Jarl?
A powerful nobleman in medieval Europe who was the head of an influential family.
How many "worlds" were there in Viking mythology?
What is the name of the Chinese diplomat who wrote one of the only known primary sources about life in the Khmer Empire?
Zhou Dagon
What are the two of the four layers of a rainforest?
Emergent, Canopy, understory, forest floor.
What year did the Battle of Hastings take place?
The Earth's crust is not one solid piece. It is broken into huge slabs of rock. What are they called?
Tectonic plates
What was the role of the THING in Viking society?
Make and change laws and make judgments in medieval Viking society.
What was the name of the first King of the Khmer Empire?
An earthquake forms when the earth's crust moves in one of three ways. Which is it? Convergent, Divergent or transformative?