Occupational Focus
Occupational Intervention

This approach, first introduced in the early 1980s, focuses on cognitive rehabilitation for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI).

A) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
B) Toglia Dynamic Interactional Approach
C) Neurofeedback
D) Mindfulness-Based Therapy

What is the Toglia Dynamic Interactional Approach


This refers to the specific demands, tools and actions required to complete a task or occupation 

What is activity demands


One of Toglia’s first major primary goals is to restore this, allowing clients to participate in daily tasks like cooking, dressing, and managing work tasks.

What is Occupational Performance or Cognitive Performance


In the 1990s, Toglia renamed her approach to emphasize the ability of cognitive strategies to be used across various situations.

A) Holistic Approach
B) Multi-contextual Approach
C) Biopsychosocial Model
D) Task-Oriented Approach

What is the multi-contextual approach?


The confidence a person has in their ability to complete specific tasks or achieve goals is referred to as this.

What is self-efficacy


One of the intervention approaches involves this method, which helps clients modify tasks to meet their cognitive abilities.

What is Task Modification and Adaptation  


This population benefits from the Toglia Dynamic Interactional Approach, which includes individuals with trauma, stroke, and developmental disabilities.

A) Children with ADHD
B) Individuals with acquired brain injuries
C) Elderly patients with dementia
D) Individuals with learning disabilities

What are individuals with acquired brain injuries?


This emotional state can hinder recovery by affecting a person’s motivation and effort to engage in meaningful activities.

What is depression or anxiety? 


A tool used to help with memory recall by documenting important information (names, things to do, reminders, events)?  

What is Memory book/journal


The goal of the Toglia Dynamic Interactional Approach is to restore this type of performance for persons experiencing cognitive dysfunctions.

A) Social interaction
B) Functional occupational performance
C) Physical mobility
D) Emotional well-being

What is functional occupational performance?


This is the first step when completing a dynamic assessment. 

What is Observation


This intervention method focuses on transferring skills learned in one context to multiple different environments.

What is Multi-contextual training


According to Kielhofner (2004), this term encompasses various cognitive aspects, including orientation and visual processing, fundamental to the Toglia Dynamic Interactional Approach.
A) Cognitive-perceptual functioning
B) Emotional intelligence
C) Social cognition
D) Motor skills

What is cognitive-perceptual functioning?


A teacher who sets up their classroom to enhance learning is an example of what optimized type of environment facilitating cognitive development.

What is social environment


This term refers to the client’s ability to understand one’s cognitive abilities, strengths, weaknesses, behaviors, values and beliefs during task performance?

What is Self-awareness
