In terms of a seating chart, this student has moved the greatest distance across the room.
This student is our class rep
This student has by far the highest participation rate in the class
This student has taken on the responsibility of being "Keeper of the Gate."
Dr. Suba thinks this student has great taste in headphones.
This student has contributed the largest amount of art to the student wall.
This student successfully completed the "names and favorite animal" ice-breaker at the beginning of the year.
These students are what Dr. Suba affectionately refers to as "Frienemies"
Vansh and Armaan
These two students are used by Dr. Suba to recognize when the vocab tests are curving below average.
Joshua and Wilson
Dr. Suba describes these students as "The Gamers" in his head
Agustya, Ananda, Ayushman
This is the only student who still writes in the ancient art of cursive.
Dr. Suba has inadvertently given this student a nickname that he can't stop using for some reason.
These students are responsible for making sure Dr. Suba takes roll.
Divya and Kayla
This is the first student Dr. Suba learned by name.
Dr. Suba knows that these students are national athletes.
Armaan and Madi
This person was responsible for making the hardest student-created question.
Mr. Powell thinks this student is top-tier both academically and on the volleyball court.
These students comprise the section of the classroom known as "The Book Club"
Julia, Riana, Perri, Madi, Ruipeng
These students tend to occupy the four corners of the class.
Divya, Joshua, Perri, Calvin
Dr. Suba thinks that this student has been the most helpful to their peers throughout the semester.
These students comprise what Dr. Suba has named "Rubik's Row"
Michael, Wilson, Joshua (and occasionally Calvin).
Dr. Suba is grateful this student was around during the observation period.
Dr. Suba uses this student as a gauge to determine if the class is getting out of hand