What color is the ring and bite block for the anterior teeth?
Can you parallel xrays using the digital sensor?
Yes- paralleling and bisecting can be done with the digital sensor.
Explain how to bisect a maxillary anterior tooth
Patient's head needs to be tilted down
#6 should be centered on the film/sensor
Middle of PID should be lined up with the cord of the sensor- or in the middle of the film
Raise PID to the top of pt's eye lid.
Which side is this set up for UR, UL, LL, LR???
What is the landmark for a maxillary molar?
The end of the eyebrow.
What color is the ring and bite block for the posterior teeth?
Which teeth is this used for?
It is set up for which side on the maxillary and mandibular
Explain how to take an xray of 8 & 9 using the bisecting technique
Have patient put their head down
put PID on the bridge of the nose
Is this sensor ready to take an xray?
No- it should be even with the snaparay.
What is the landmark for 8 & 9?
Bridge of the nose
What color is the container for the developer solution?
Black- the developer goes in the red
What is this holder called?
Explain how to take an xray using the rings
Always stand on the side of the PID and line it up to the ring.
NEVER stand behind the tubehead when paralleling
Is this ready for a maxillary molar xray?
No- it is not.
the bar always goes in front of the face
What is the landmark for the maxillary cuspids?
The eye lid.
What color is the ring and bite block for BWS?
Can you bisect with film?
Notice the difference between the digital and film snaparay.Yes- you can bisect using the snaparay with film and digital sensor.
Explain how to bisect a mandibular anterior tooth-using a sensor/film
Head should be tilted up
Tooth should be centered on film/sensor
Middle of PID should be lined up with the cord of the sensor- or in the middle of the film
Look up the PID and raise until you can no longer see the film/sensor
Is this ready for a maxillary left molar?
No- the sensor is backwards.
When bisecting a maxillary anterior tooth what is the most important thing that needs to be done?
Have patient tilt their head down.
Which solution will turn dark after it gets opened?
What is the difference between the top and bottom snaparay?
Top is for film and the one underneath is for the sensor. The sensor one has a little hole.
Explain how to bisect a maxillary molar
Start at the end of the patient's eyebrow
Is this ready for a mandibular molar xray?
Yes, the bite block is on the correct side as the sensor is too.
When bisecting a lower anterior tooth what must the patient do in order to take a proper xray?
Tilt the head up.
Can you take x-rays when you are pregnant? Why?
Because the DA walks out of the room and is behind the wall, by the time you are back in the operatory the scatter radiation has dissipated.
What do you do if you drop the film or sensor on the floor while working on a patient? Explain
If you drop film kick it out of the way. NEVER pick the film up until you are done with the patient.
If you drop the sensor, pick it up and remove the sensor cover. Wash your hands, clean the sensor -wash your hands and put a new sheath on it.
If the doctor wants you to retake an x-ray because it did not come out to his/her liking, what will you tell the patient?
"I need to take another xray from a different angle"
The patient will not know that you made a mistake. Never admit to a patient that you made a mistake.
Does this look correct to take an anterior xray?
No- there is too much sensor sticking out and the head is not tilted.
This is the correct way. Notice how much sensor is sticking out, it's not much.
Take a mental Pic of this.
If a child does not want x-rays taken, what do you do to get them to cooperate?
Have the child's parent sit in the chair. Sit the child on their parent's lap and make sure that the parent is covered with a lead apron as well.
When a patient has a toothache but declines to have an x-ray performed due to radiation concerns .
What would you explain to the patient to ensure that they are comfortable having an x-ray taken?
To accurately diagnose the tooth, the doctor needs an x-ray.
The sun emits more radiation than one dental xray.
We follow safety procedures and will cover you with a lead apron to protect you from radiation exposure.
To correct an overlapped x-ray, what are you supposed to do?
Change the horizontal aignment of the PID.
What do you need to set up on your tray if you are bisecting?
Snap-a-ray and a bite tab
Can you take an x-ray on a pregnant person?
YES, if the doctor says so (with patient consent as well).
How many x-rays do we take for a recall patient?
2-4 BWS
And some doctors will have you take anterior xrays too.