**Triple Jeopardy**
Where in its body is the shrimps heart located?
In the Head
Where are is the smallest bone in your body?
Your ears
**Triple Jeopardy**
Oceans cover over _____ of Earth's surface.
65%, 70%, 80%, 75%
What two shoe compaines hate each other.
Puma & Adidas, Nike & Air Jordans, Nike & Under Armour
Puma and Adidas
A new Mcdondals opens up, on average ,every ______ hours around the world.
12, 14, 8, 3
How long can a snail sleep up to?
2 years, 5 years, 3 years
3 years
**Double Jeopardy**
About how much spit do you make per day?
250ml, 500ml, 750ml
Half a quart (500ml)
Less than____ percent of our planets oceans have been explored.
2%, 5%, 10%, 25%
Double Jeopardy
One in every _______beverages consumed in America is a soft drink
3, 5, 4
**Double Jeopardy**
What is more fattening at Mcdonalds instead of a hamburger....
Apple Slices, Caesar Salad, McFlurry, Chicken Snack Wrap
Caesar Salad
**Double Jeopardy**
What is the only animal that can't jump?
elephant, turtle, giraffe
About how long do eyelashes last?
100 days, 150 days, 130 days
How many continents and oceans are there in the world?
7 Continents, 5 Oceans
Name me 1 of the top 6 selling toys of all time
Barbie, Yo-Yo, Easy Bake Oven, Wagon, Silly Puddy and Transformers.
** Double Jeopardy**
If you lives in the United States , your never more than______ miles away from a McDonalds
100, 25, 80, 150
How long does it take a sloth to digest their food?
2 weeks
What grows faster your fingernails or your toenails?
What gives the ocean a blue tint?
The sun, The sky, The sand on the beach, Lebron James
The sun
How many hearts does an Octopus have?
2, 4, 3, 5
Which powerful figure in government had a Mcdonalds built right next to where they live.
Kim Jong il, Vladimir Putin, Queen Elizabeth, Donald Trump, Doug Ford
Queen Elizabeth
The fastest flying bird in the world is ...
Peregrine Falcon, Bald Eagle, Ostriche, Blue Jay
Peregrine Falcon
More then half the bones in your body are located in your hands, ankles , feet and ______
Out of all the flights that take off and land, across the world.....which ocean do they fly over the most
Alantic, Pacific, Artic
The most popular cookie company in the United States is
Chips Ahoy, Oreo, Snackwells, Walkers shortbread, Nabisco
The first item , ever!!!, to land on the Mcdonalds menu was a.....
Big Mac, Hot Dog, Pulled Pork Sandwhich, Gyro
Hot Dog