What word from the vocabulary is another word for a plan?
What word from the vocabulary means "connected to a specific religion"?
What is another word for a plan?
What is the gist of a text?
A sentence that tells you what the text is mainly about
What are things that are considered key details?
Names, places, numbers
What word from the vocabulary describes someone who helps another person?
The singer performed in front of a huge _______________.
What is one way to find the main idea quickly?
Read the sentences at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph
How does a map help a reading?
If you do something the right way, you are doing it _______.
This word means "100 years".
The book is his, meaning it _____________ to him.
What are the 3 types of information classification charts?
Venn Diagram, Categories Chart, Mind Map
What are words we use to identify reasons?
because, since, due to
If two things share many characteristics between them, they are ______.
This word means "a feeling someone who has no fear has"
She hopes to join the debate ______________ to improve her oratory abilities
What is another way that a text will show a reason for something.
It will use data and statistics to explain something. Example: 60% of Guatemalans struggle with math, which explains why engineering is not a viable career in Guatemala.
Classify this information into the correct category:
Info: Pizza, Water, Tomato, Pear, Coffee, Pasta, Juice, Watermelon, Steak
Categories: Prepared Food, Fruits, Drinks
Fruits: Tomato, Pear, Watermelon
Drinks: Coffee, Water, Juice
Someone who materializes ideas and feelings into beautiful pieces is called a(n) _______.
This word means "a lot of, too much, something that goes too much to one side"
I think I’m an _______________ good student, but I could be better in math.
What are the elements of a map?
title, scale, key or legend, source, compass
What is the main idea of this paragraph?
Social media has changed the way people communicate, making it easier to connect. However, excessive use can reduce face-to-face interactions and affect mental health. Finding a balance is essential for well-being.
Social media has changed communication, offering benefits but also presenting challenges, so balance is important.