True or False If certain rods in a person's eyes do not function properly, he is said to be colorblind.
What is the largest continent?
How many Great Lakes are there?
What started the argument between Darry and Ponyboy that caused Pony to run away?
ponyboy came home late
She asked for Jolene not to take her man
Dolly Parton
What carries impulses away
Can you name the seven dwarves in Snow White?
Sleepy, Sneezy, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc, and Bashful
What is the imaginary line called that connects the North and South Pole?
Prime Meridian
What is the location this story was set in?
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Who sings the song “Fortnight”?
Taylor Swift
The outer layer of the cerebrum is called the
Cerebral cortex
In "Beauty and the Beast," what is the name of the enchanted teapot?
Mrs. Potts
What gulf is located to the south of Florida?
formally Gulf of Mexico
What decade is the story set in?
What rapper is featured on “Fortnight”?
Post Malone
Contains the ear bone
Middle ear
What is Harry's pet owls name
What kind of tree do prunes come from?
Plum tree
What caught the church on fire? How many kids did the guys save?
their cigarettes; 8
In 2017 he won a Pulitzer Prize for music.
Kendrick Lamar
Function in color vision
Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?
Amelia Earhart
Which ancient civilization gave us the Olympic Games?
Before the rumble, Ponyboy and Randy had a conversation. What realization had Randy come to because of the events of the last week?
That the fighting and killing was useless, nothing was going to change the way things were
And if I'm turning blue, please don't save me
Nothing left to lose without my baby
Billie Ellish birds of a feather