Earth's Surface
Earth's Interior
Diversity and Fossils
Motion and Forces

Most earthquake detection systems are placed close to this areas on the Earth's surface. 

What is near plate boundaries? 


This type of seismic wave does not pass through the earth's outer core since this layer is liquid. 

S waves


Bedrock striations, scrapings caused by ice formations, on the riverbanks of the Ohio Rivers have been discovered.  This fossil evidence proves what about the geological history of Ohio.  

What is that Ohio was once under ice and that had an Ice Age? 


This reproductive process only requires 1 parent to produce offspring. 

What is asexual reproduction?


Object A is 10g. 

Object B is 20g.  

Object C is 5g.  

Object C has more gravitational attraction to this object for this reason.  

What is Object B since it has more mass?  

The greater the mass the more gravitational attraction. 


Mt. St. Helens, Appalachian Mountain, The Alps, Mt. Everest, these were all create by this plate dynamic.  

What is convergent boundaries? 


The rift-zone of Iceland, where the North American plate meets the Eurasian plate, is a highly active site for volcanic activity and is ripping the country in two. The plate dynamic that created this rift-zone is called this. 

What is a divergent Boundary?


In sea floor spreading, older fossils would be found closer this area of the ocean floor.  

What is closer to the trenches or or away from the mid ocean ridge? 

At the end of this form of cell division you will end up with daughter cells that have half the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell (HAPLOID). 

What is meiosis?


This is why humans are more gravitationally attracted to the Earth than to the Sun even though the Sun has more mass.  

What is because humans are closer to Earth than to the Sun? 


The Hawaiian islands were created by a hot spot found in the Pacific Ocean.  The oldest volcanic island of Hawaii would be found here.  

What is the furthest away from the hot spot?


According to the law of differentiation, layers of our earth are separated based on this characteristic. 

What is their density? 


Most peppered moths in England were light colored before 1800.  During the 1800s many factories were built and darkened the tree trucks where moths rested.   This statement explains why we had increased of dark moths than light colored moths in England.    

What is more dark colored moths survived and were able to reproduce?


If you cross a homozygous dominant parent with a homozygous recessive parent, you will get this genotype for its offspring. 

What is heterozygous or a hybrid?


On a time verses speed graph, a car moving a constant speed at 10mph for 10 seconds should have this kind of line on the graph. 

What is a horizontal straight line at 10mph?


Weathering and erosion caused by geological events such as landslides, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, or floods to DESTROY landforms.  These are examples of this kind of force?

What are destructive forces?


This is the proof that we have that our magnetic poles have reversed.  

What is magnetic reversal patterns on the ocean floor?


According to the Law of Superposition, the youngest rock layers be found in this area of a geological column.  

What is closer to the surface? 


In codominance, a set of parents have the genotype RR= red flowers, BB= blue flowers.  Crossing one parent with RR and another parent with BB will get you this phenotype for the offspring.

What is red and blue flowers?


An object is accelerating to the right.  The arrows in a force diagram should be drawn in this manner.  

What is their should be a longer/larger around pointing to the right and a smaller arrow pointing to the left.  Up and down arrows should be the same size?  


Water, gravity, wind, and glaciers can cause  geological events such as deposition, landslides, volcano eruptions to CREATE new landforms.  These are examples of this kind of force?

What are constructive forces? 


This process causes magma rises at the mid ocean ridge pushing the younger crust away and forcing older crust down into the mid ocean ridge. 

What is sea-floor spreading?


An organism that reproduces in this manner is more likely to survive changes to an environment.  

What is reproduce sexually since there is a higher likelihood of adaptations and passing on these variations?


One parent that is heterozygous the other parent must be this genotype if the pedigree shows 50% of the offspring are homozygous recessive and 50% are heterozygous.

What is homozgyous recessive?


A car traveling to the East has an applied force of 50N is slowing down with 60 N.  Its overall force would be described as this. 

What is 10 N to the West?
