This is the sacrament that is the door to all other sacraments.
What is Baptism?
A virtue is
Habit to do good
Discontent over good fortune of others
Guides us in our moral living
Two Main kinds of Mercy
Corporal and Spiritual
The most important of all the sacraments
What is The Eucharist?
Two kinds of virtues
Natural and Supernatural
Indulging in food and drink too much
The laws made by civil authorities
Civil Law
Visiting the juvenile detention center is what corporal work of mercy
Visit the Imprisoned
Entered into for a vocation to have a family
The three theological virtues
What are faith, hope, and love?
The laws given to us by God in the Old and New Testaments
Revealed laws
Inviting someone to Ignite who wants to know more about your Church
Instructing the Ignorant
This virtue is the capacity to make good judgments
What is prudence?
This sin can be proper in some cases
Anger (righteous response)
Church laws made by church officials
Ecclesiastical laws
What spiritual work of mercy keeps you from holding a grudge
Forgive all injuries
This virtue is the most important virtue
What is love?
The basic moral law, which God has placed in human nature and which we discover through reason
Natural Law
This work of mercy celebrates the Communion of Saints
Pray for the living and the dead