Communication, Expression, Entertainment, and Future
What are the benefits of Social Media
protecting from being observed or tracked by others, including general, companies, or government.
What is privacy?
The legal protection that creators have over things they create.
What is copyright?
To bombard someone with messages over digital media, or repeated contact when it is least expected.
What does it mean to harass someone?
Information that is being reported about an event that just happened or is currently occurring.
What is breaking news?
anyone who can see information about you or post it by you online.
What is Anonymous
small text files placed on your device by sites you visit that collect information about your device and your activity.
What is cookies?
Creative work that is not copyrighted and free to use without permission.
What is public domain?
saying mean things, usually in all caps, and often in a public forum with the intention to humiliate
What is flaming?
24-hours seven-day-a-week investigating and reporting news via television, radio, print, online, and mobile app devices.
What is 24/7 news cycle?
your digital footprint
What is all the information online about a person either posted by that person or others, intentionally or unintentionally?
Choices a website or app might give you about what information is visible to other users and third-party apps.
What privacy settings?
The ability to use copyrighted work without permission, but in only certain ways and specific situations.
What is fair use?
a verbal attack targeting someone because of their race, gender, religion, ability, or sexual orientation.
What is hate speech?
Using words or information of more news to come, looking at sources that are not from news media outlets, and being bias when reporting are all ways to...
What is breaking down breaking news?
What does it mean when something lasts a long time, if not forever, such as information that one posts online that doesn't go away because it is passed on and spread?
To choose not to participate in something.
What is opt-out?
The amount used, the effect, nature, and the purpose are all part of the...
What are the 4 factors of fair use?
using fake names, posing as someone else, or creating a fake profile about someone else.
What does it mean to be deceiving?
Showing a strong opinion or preference for or against something or someone.
What is bias?
When People Share Something They Regret Later.
What is Oversharing?
Turning off cookies in your browser's settings, reviewing the app's privacy settings, and turning off any sharing options you are not comfortable with.
What are tips for protecting your privacy?
Reworking a portion of a song or sound recording into a new composition.
What is a mash-up or what is sampling?
A trusted adult
Who should you tell if you are being cyber bullied?
When you check the source, look to see if more information is coming soon, and analyze for bias you are doing what?
What is having a critical eye for breaking news?