Author Moves
The Outsiders
Persuasive Techniques
Book Groups

What is an author move and what is it used for?

An author move is a choice of words, like a signpost, that the author takes to make, describe, or emphasize, parts of their story.


What is one challenge that the Greasers faced in the story?

Correct answers could be:

- Poverty

- The Socs


What is the purpose of persuasion? 

To persuade or convince one or more people to believe your ideas. Ex: to make someone buy what you are selling.

What does CLEAR stand for?

Claim, link, evidence, analysis, reasoning.


How should a book group run?

Smoothly. There shouldn't be long pauses in the conversation and comments made should be relevant.


What author move creates a setting that the reader can visualize?

Sensory Details.


How do Dally and Johnny die? 

Dally is shot and Johnny dies from his burn wounds.


When are persuasive techniques most commonly used?

In advertising.


Do you always need a link when writing in CLEALEAR formatting?

Not always, sometimes your link is blended into your previous analysis. You always need a link when writing in normal CLEAR formatting.


What section of our book group prep required you to think about an important part of the book to you?

Memorable quote.


What two author moves are typically found together when describing a character's growth?

Point of View and Character Arc.


How did Johnny grow as a character?

His perspective changed after the death of the Soc, and then he stopped growing overall because he died.


What persuasive technique is used in the phrase, "Just Do It."



How is CLEALEAR different from CLEAR?

CLEALEAR is used when you have more than one piece of evidence, which is why there is a second link, evidence, and analysis.


What are important topics/ideas to bring up in a book group discussion? (Name two)

Correct answers could be:

- Author moves/signposts

- major plot twists or character development

- things you found interesting

- memorable moments in your book


What is dialogue and how is it formatted?

Dialogue is a conversation between at least two people. When dialogue starts it is indented on a new paragraph in quotation marks. When a new person begins talking, it is indented on a new line.


How does Ponyboy's POV shift throughout the story?

After talking with the friend of the Soc he killed, Ponyboy was able to empathize with him. His POV changed as he realized what the Socs had to deal with, too.


What persuasive technique is used in the sentence, "100% of people who drink water die."

Appeal to logic.


What is the "A" in CLEAR and why is it important?

The "A" is analysis. Analisys connects the evidence to the claim. It explains how your evidence relates to your topic and why it is important and how it supports your claim.


What is a Socratic Seminar? Be specific.

A Socratic Seminar is a discussion group split into two groups, the outer and inner circles. The outer circle takes note about what the inner circle discusses, and then they swap.


How do author moves enhance the readers' experience with the book?

Author moves further connect the reader to the book outside of just the basic writing. POV, Author's lessons, and Character Arc describe the change and growth of the characters; Tone, Timeline, and Sensory Details describe the setting and how it affects the characters and author, and Dialogue better shows the relationships between characters and people within the book.


How does the relationship between the Socs and the Greasers change and grow/decline?

At the beginning of the story, the Socs and the Greasers are rivals, but later, Ponyboy was able to empathize with one of the Socs and was able see the point of view of the Socs better.


What are all of the persuasive techniques?

Bandwagon, Appeal to logic, Appeal to emotion, Emphatic "we", repetition, Rhetorical Question 


How does CLEAR formatting affect your writing?

CLEAR formatting allows you to write your thoughts and ideas in a more organized way. This makes your writing clearer and easier to read.


Why are having book group discussions with others important when reading a book?

It forces you to look deeper in the story. This may lead you to notice important topics you didn't pay mind to before and you may see patterns which could lead you to establish predictions. Book discussions can help you understand the meaning of the book better.
