Making Inferences
Main Idea
Interpreting Evidence
Author's Purpose
Inference = what you see in the text + _______________
What is "what you know about life"?
Explain the main idea found in the title: "Why Can't Guys Just Fight for a Friendship?".
What is "the author wishes men would talk about their conflicts instead of avoiding them."
"Antonio was fair, lean, and lanky." This is an example of ________ characterization.
What is "direct."
"When we get into the ring, it's gonna be like we never met. We gotta be two heavy strangers that want the same thing, and only one can have it." Give a statement this evidence would support.
What is "the boys promise each other to fight their hardest."
Piri Thomas choses to have Antonio and Felix not see each other until the fight. Explain why he made that choice as an author.
What is "to show the characters are really trying to prepare themselves for the fight."
The parts of the text we consider when making an inference: what characters _____, _______, and _______.
What is "think, say, and do"?
"What we don't know how to do is have the kind of unpleasant talks that articulate feelings to real friends when those friends ignore our wives at a dinner, or don't think to call us when we are fired." Explain the main idea of this sentence.
What is "men avoid conflict rather than talking things through when they're offended."
"Early morning sunrises would find them running along the East River Drive, wrapped in sweatshirts, short towels around their necks..." Name the two STEAL hints found in this sentence. (STEAL=Says, Thinks, Effects on Others, Actions, Looks)
What is "actions, looks."
"While some youngsters were into street negatives, Antonio and Felix slept, ate, rapped, and dreamt positive." Give a statement you could make based on this evidence.
What is "the boys are a good influence on each other," "the boys stay out of trouble," etc.
Explain why the author of "Can't Guys Just Learn to Fight for a Friendship" talks about female friendships in his article.
What is "to provide a counterargument/counterexample."
"Each youngster had a dream of someday becoming lightweight champion of the world. Every chance they had, the boys worked out..." Name an inference you can make about the boys' values.
What is "determination, hard work, dreaming big."
Explain the main idea of this section from Amigo Brothers. "They were so close together in friendship that they felt themselves to be brothers. They had known each other since childhood growing up in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the same tenement building on 5th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B."
What is "Felix and Antonio are best friends."
Turn this indirect characterization into a direct characterization statement. "Ms. Schechter laughed when she fell at her high school graduation."
What is "Ms. Schechter is clumsy" or "Ms. Schechter has a good sense of humor."
"But Dan, if you are reading, let it be known: I miss you, man." Give a statement that you could make based on this evidence.
What is "the author DOES want to repair his relationship with Dan, even though he says he won't."
Explain the author's purpose in starting AND ending his article on male friendships with the same story about his friend Dan.
What is "he's nostalgic about their friendship and is trying to bring his argument full circle."
"The sound of their blows were loud in contrast to the silence of a crowd gone completely mute. The referee was stunned by their savagery." Why is the crowd silent?
What is "they are shocked, worried, fearful about the boys' safety/the outcome of the fight."
"My wife and her friend hurt each other's feelings at dinners with other they engage in a difficult phone call. A few days later on gently knitting their bond back together. And their friendship not only survives, it is also strengthened." Explain the main idea of this section.
What is "women talk through their problems and resolve conflict, and their friendships end up being even stronger than before."
"After a mile or so, Felix puffed and said, 'Let's talk for a while bro. I think we've both got something to say to each other.'" Which STEAL hint is used here, and what does this show about Felix's personality?
What is "says, and it shows he is honest, mature, and close friends with Antonio."
"Dan and I grew up a few blocks apart in Park Slope, Brooklyn...Throughout our mid-30s, we vacationed together at a mutual friend's house in Vermont." Explain what this evidence shows.
What is "Dan and the author were longtime friends."
Explain why Piri Thomas might have ended Amigo Brothers the way he did.
What is "to show that friendship conquers all."
"He [Vice President Joe Biden] knows that he must have the awkward talks it takes to keep our government going. But the guys in front [like President Obama] can't because of their precious sovereignty." Infer what President Obama avoids doing in order to maintain his power and pride?
What is "avoiding conflict through uncomfortable conversations."
"Felix wasted no time. He came in fast, head low, half-hunched toward his right shoulder and lashed out with a straight left. He missed a right cross as Antonio slipped the punch and crossed and countered with one, two, three lefts that snapped Felix's head back." Explain the main idea of this section.
What is "both boys are fighting as hard as they can, and they are equally good fighters."
Turn this direct characterization into an indirect characterization statement. "Joey loves boxing." Identify which STEAL hint you are using.
What is "Joey boxes every day of the week," etc.
"Men must be strong to be accepted by society, an expectation that runs counter to the need to get along." Give a statement that you would support using this evidence.
What is "guys are more worried about pride than maintaining relationships."
In "Can't Guys Just Learn to Fight for a Friendship?," the author uses many personal stories. Explain why he does that.
What is "to support his argument and potentially relate to readers' experiences."