Figurative Language
Literary Elements
Text Structures
Figurative language in which the use of a word whose sound suggests its meaning. ex:buzz
What is onomatopoeia?
The writer's attitude toward the subject.
What is tone?
An individual fighting against racism is an example of this external conflict.
What is individual vs society?
The repeated use of sounds, words, or ideas for effect and emphasis in prose or poetry is known as this.
What is repetition?
Although both ice cream and veggies are food, ice cream is less healthy and eaten as a dessert. Veggies, however, are eaten as a side dish to a meal is an example of this text structure.
What is compare and contrast?
Figurative language which is a repetition of vowel sounds.
What is assonance?
The giving of clues to hint at coming events in a story.
What is foreshadowing?
In the cartoons Tom and Jerry, Tom is this type of character.
What is static character?
A recurring identical or similar final word sounds within or at the ends of lines of verse is known as this.
What is rhyme?
If melted ice cream gets on your hand, your skin will get sticky is an example of this text structure.
What is cause and effect?
She did not realized that opportunity was knocking at her door is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is personification?
A word or object that represents something else.
What is symbol?
In the story Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother gives Cinderella a makeover, she meets the Prince, and they start dancing is an example of this literary element.
What is rising action?
A songlike narrative poem, usually featuring rhyme, rhythm, and refrain is this type of poetic form.
What is a ballad?
Russia is one of the world's largest countries in land area. It is nearly 6.6 million square miles and is spread across two continents with the majority of the population living west of the Urals where the climate is mild is an example of this text structure.
What is description?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is alliteration?
A return to an earlier time in the course of a narrative to introduce prior information.
What is flashback?
Tim was mad at Shay. He blamed her. Shay knew Tim would be mad, but she wanted to live her life, is told from this point of view.
What is third person omniscient?
Spring is really here. Flowers are starting to bloom. Sunshine fills the air; is an example of this poetic form.
What is haiku?
America suffered various setbacks under the Articles of Confederation. They soon realized a new form of government was necessary for the success of the states. The United States Constitution was created, a president was elected, and a Supreme Court and representative Congress were formed is an example of this text structure.
What is problem and solution?
It was so cold, I saw polar bears wearing jackets is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is hyperbole?
Making judgments or drawing conclusions based on what the author has implied.
What is inferences?
When Cinderella was young, she had a happy life. Then one day, her mother died. Soon after, Cinderella's father married a woman who had two daughters of her own. Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters were not very kind. The stepmother gave her daughters fancy dresses and wonderful toys. She gave Cinderella nothing is an example of this element of plot.
What is exposition?
I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam I am. I do not like them in a boat. I do not like them with a goat; is an example of this type of poetic form.
What is couplet?
Immigrants began to arrive in Texas to farm cotton. Then Robert Munger developed a new cotton ginning process. Soon after the railroad system became a major transport of cotton is an example of this text structure.
What is chronological order?