What is one of the 20 vocab words on the list?
accompany, adage, collaborate, decree, deft, embed, eventually, evolve, infraction, jostle, laggard, preclude, profound, reprieve, servile, somber, transmit, vigil, weary, wrangle.
What questions do you ask when you are looking for a Direct Object in a sentence?
What? or Whom?
Who is the protagonist of this story?
What is one thing you should avoid when writing an email?
All caps, sarcasm, emojis, incorrect spelling, overuse of end marks, emailing when angry, and blaming.
Who is the author of The Hiding Place?
Corrie ten Boom
What part of speech is the word evolve?
What questions do you ask when you are looking for an Indirect Object in a sentence?
To what? To whom? For what? For whom?
Lois Lowry
What would the following example be labeled in an email:
5th Hour - Grammar Notes Question
Subject Line
Who is the protagonist of this story? (full name and nickname)
Cornelia "Corrie" ten Boom
What part of speech is the word profound?
What is the role of the Direct Object?
To receive the action of the verb.
To hold all the memories of the time before Sameness, and give them to the Receiver.
What would the following example be labeled in an email:
Harry Houdini
Signature Block
1937, Haarlem, Holland
What is the meaning of the word adage?
a proverb or wise saying; a condensed but memorable saying embodying an important fact.
What is the role of the Indirect Object?
To receive the action of the Direct Object.
What is the first memory Jonas receives?
Sledding down a snowy hill in winter.
What would the following example be labeled in an email:
Dear Miss. Reynolds,
What occupation does the ten Boom family hold?
Most serious performers prefer constructive criticism as opposed to ________________ flattery.
Change the following inverted sentence into normal word order:
Down that dark path sits the haunted house.
What did Jonas do at the end of the book?
He ran away from his Community, in search for the world in his memories, and he brought Gabe with him.
What is the PERC of email etiquette?
Common Sense
What were the first and second times Corrie met Karel?
At a party, and then at university.