In the 1200's while the crusades still raged, who accompanied his father and his uncle on a trip to China? Hint-He was a European.
Marco Polo
In 1513, this person, who was the conqueror and governor of Puerto Rico, made the first Spanish landing on the mainland of North America. Who is the person?
Juan Ponce De Leon
The French and Indian War officially ended in a British victory with the signing of which treaty?
Treaty of Paris
The first shots of this war took place on the morning of April 19, 1775, when British troops met a force of about 70 minutemen in the village of Lexington. What was the name of this war?
War of Independence
Who was the first Secretary of Treasury?
Alexander Hamilton
Perhaps the most important invention was the what?
Moveable type printing press
The first French explorers came to the new world in search of which Passage?
Northwest Passage
Parliament repealed the Stamp Act. However, on the same day, Parliament adopted which act, declaring that the colonies were subordinate to Britain and that Parliament had the power to pass laws to "bind the Colonies..."
Declaratory Act
There was a famous man who, on July 4th, 1776, was appointed to take up a resolution. This committee was led by this man who prepared the most important human statement of political principles in the history of the world. Who was this man?
Thomas Jefferson
This territory is also known as the District of Columbia. The White House is in this territory. It is not a state. What is the area?
Washington D.C.
Who founded a navigation school and sent out several ships to explore the western coast of Africa?
Prince Henry the Navigator
During the reign of who did the English people have access to the Bible in their own language as never before?
Elizabeth I
There was an incident that occurred in Boston where an angry crowd began to harass soldiers. These soldiers ended up firing guns and killing 3 people. What was this incident called?
Boston Massacre
On July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress unanimously adopted what?
Declaration of Independence
What did the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions insist on?
The Constitution was compact, or contract, between the individual states and the federal government and that the states could judge for themselves what act violated that contract
What was the name of the Roman Catholic monk who protested false doctrines of the church by nailing 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany?
Martin Luther
Thus, groups of English businessmen began to organize joint-stock companies. In this company, a forerunner of the modern corporation, several businessmen invested in a single company to support colonizing venture. What is the company's name?
Plymouth Company
During a time of calm, this person of Boston filed the newspapers with letters, warning colonists that the peace with Great Britain was temporary and that the real problems had not been solved. Who was this person?
Samuel Adams
Name the branches of government.
Legislative, executive, and judicial
As people began to settle in the Northwest Territory, they needed a plan of government. This ordinance, adopted under the Articles of Confederation, allowed Congress to administer the new territory by appointing a governor and three judges to govern on behalf of settlers. What was the ordinance called?
Northwest Ordinance of 1787
After several years, Columbus finally persuaded the Spanish king and queen, who and who, to sponsor his expedition?
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Between 1730-1760, both American and Great Britain experienced a revival of Biblical Christianity. In Britain, it was called the Methodist Revival. In America, it was called what?
Great Awakening
This bill closed the port of Boston. This was one of the colonies' major cities-to call commerce. What was the bill?
Boston Port Bill
Who was the first President of the United States?
George Washington
In 1800, there was a French dictator who forced Spain to cede to France the land between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains. Who was this dictator?
Napoleon Bonaparte