Name the Film Technique
West Africa
What are the four recurring themes in Omar Khayyam's "Rubaiyat"?
Wine as the Water of Life Carpe Diem (Seize the Day) The Inescapability of Death Fate
Shows a view from the subject's perspective.
What is a Point-of-Vies (POV) shot?
This kingdom was invaded (unsuccessfully) in the 7th century C.E. by North Africans who wanted to control trade and convert West Africans to Islam.
What is Ghana?
These are the five main characters from "The Breadwinner" that we focused on in class
Who are Parvana, Mother, Nooria, Mrs. Weera, the and Taliban?
This type of bridge, developed by Chinese engineers, allowed for broader and flatter bridges than the half-circle arch bridges of the Romans.
What is a segmental arch bridge?
This literary device is important to both tanka and rubai. It signifies all the sensory perceptions referred to in a poem, whether by literal description, allusion, simile, or metaphor.
What is imagery?
This is the most common view/angle, being the real-world angle that we are all used to.
What is an eye-level camera angle?
These are the two most important things that allowed West Africa villages to grow into towns and cities
What are ironworking and trade?
Which of the following are Muslim inventions/discoveries and which are things they adapted? 1. algebra 2. the zero 3. accurate measurement of the Earth's circumference 4. hospitals 5. polo
1. Algebra = i/d 2. the zero = a 3. Earth's circumference = i/d 4. hospitals = i/d 5. polo = a
Match the dynasty to the form of government: 1. Song 2. Yuan 3. Tang : a. aristocracy b. meritocracy c. rule by foreigners
1 - b 2 - c 3 - a
What is the traditional meter of a rubai?
What is iambic pentameter?
This is a concept in video and film production in which the frame is divided into into nine imaginary sections, as illustrated on the right. This creates reference points which act as guides for framing the image.
What is the rule of thirds?
These are the words with the following definitions: 1. The most famous mosque in West Africa. 2. The most famous university in West Africa. 3. A leader of prayer in mosque as well as teachers in Muslim universities 4. The names of the two places (a village and an area) critical to the salt and gold trade, respectively.
What are: 1. Djingareyber 2. University of Sankore 3. Imam 4. Taghaza and Wangara
Put these events in the order they occurred in Muhammad's life: a. The Night Journey b. The Hijrah c. He marries Khadijah d. Boycott against Muslims
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
This is the path Buddhism took to get to Japan.
What is India to Korea to China to Japan?
Along with a having a pivot/bridge and a 5-7-5-7-7 syllable count, this is a critical structural element of tanka.
What are stand alone lines (each line can be independently understood without the line above or below it; also important for rubai)?
Also known as a dutch tilt, this is where the camera is purposely tilted to one side so the horizon is on an angle. This creates an interesting and dramatic effect.
What is a slanted angle/shot?
These are: 1. The largest river in West Africa 2. The semidesert south of the Sahara (proper name) 3. The excavated city that proved W. Africa had cities before outsiders arrived to help build them 4. A great Songhai warrior who freed his people from the Mali Empire and became the new kingdom's first ruler
What are: 1. The Niger River 2. The Sahel 3. Jenne-jeno 4. Who is Sunni Ali
Match the short definitions with the pillars of Islam: 1. Declaration of Faith 2. Daily ritual prayer 3. Charity 4. Fasting 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca : a. Shahadah b. Zakat c. Siyam d. Hajj e. Salat
What is 1 - a 2 - e 3 - b 4 - c 5 - d
Name the six main characters in Pearl Buck's "The Big Wave"
Mother, Father, Jiya, Kino, Setsu, Old Gentleman
What four errors do you see in this tanka? (line number and word(s)) Thunderclouds build and/ They will gather strength as they grow/ Releasing themselves/ Showing life-giving power/ Cleanse the world in shower/
Line 1: not stand alone ("and" kills it) Line 2: extra syllable Lines 4 and 5: rhyme (tanka shouldn't rhyme) Line 5: only 6 syllables
This is a horizontal camera movement in which the camera moves left and right about a central axis. This is a swiveling movement, i.e. mounted in a fixed location on a tripod or shoulder.
What is a pan shot?
These are things that characterized the effects of Islam on Government, Law and Education. (provide THREE answers)
What are 1. Patrilineal succession of rulers 2. More centralized government 3. Shari'ah replaced customary law 4. New emphasis on learning 5. People studied at Qur'anic schools and Islamic Universitities 6. Timbuktu became a center of Islamic and academic study
These Muslim's (a) believed that only people directly descended from Fatima and Ali should be caliph. These Muslim's (b) opposed the first group and formed this dynasty (c). Fatima and Ali had this relationship (d) to Muhammad.
What is a. Shi'ah b. Sunnis c. Umayyad d. Daughter and son-in-law
Put in order the Japanese capitals from earliest capital to most recent: a. Heian-kyo (modern-day Kyoto) b. Nara c. Nagaoka d. Edo (modern-day Tokyo)
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d