Important People and Groups
Important Concepts + Events
Political Science
Which of our five geographic regions of Georgia has the highest population? a. Coastal Plain b. Blue Ridge Mountains c. Appalachian Plateau d. Piedmont e. Valley and Ridge
d. Piedmont-(We live in this region. Atlanta our largest city is also in this region.)
Early Georgia History. Match the following: (1 point each) 1. James Oglethorpe 2. King George 3. the Trustees 4. Tomochichi 5. Mary Musgrove 6. Hernando DeSoto a. This was a group of men that organized the colony of Georgia and created the rules. b. This individual acted as a translator between the Native Americans and the British colonists. c. This Spanish individual travel through Georgia in search of gold. Many native Americans died from both his soldier's attacks and European diseases. d. This individual is considered the founder of Georgia; he wanted Georgia to be a colony where British prisoners could come to work off their debt. e. This Individual allowed the trustees to create a new colony; Georgia is named after him f. This individual was chief of the Yamacraw and helped the Georgians by providing them with land and resources.
1. d 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c
1. What official document claimed that the colonies were no longer going to be run by the British. The colonists were tired of paying taxes to pay for a British War, they created a slogan "no taxation without representation" which meant you cannot tax us if you do not give us a voice in your government. 2. After the Revolutionary War the Americans created their first National Government. However this government was weak because it could not tax the states.(money = power) 3. This is the document that replaced the weak first government and outlines our current government. There is one for our nation and for each state.
Declaration of Independence Articles of Confederation Constitution
Which branch of the Georgia government is described below: This branch is responsible with determining the punishment for committed crimes and is charged with determining if new laws are constitutional.
Judicial branch
Name three of the main methods of the transportation of our goods and natural resources.
Trains Boats Trucks Airplanes
Which of these is our largest region? It is also a great place to grow crops due to a large amount of underground water. a. Coastal Plain b. Blue Ridge Mountains c. Appalachian Plateau d. Piedmont e. Valley and Ridge
a. Coastal Plain-This region was covered by the ocean long ago and now has underground supplies of water.
1. Nancy Hart 2. George Walton 3. Elijah Clarke 4. Austin Dabney 5. Button Gwinnett 6. Loyalists 7. Patriots 8. Lyman Hall a. Term that refers to an individual that was loyal to England during the Revolutionary War. b. This individual was an African American Involved in the Battle of Kettle Creek. c. Term that refers to an individual that was loyal to the colonies during the War. d. This individual was a spy and she killed some loyalists troops that killed her neighbors. e. This man was the leader of the patriot troops during the Battle of Kettle Creek. f. These three men were the Georgia Representatives that signed the Declaration of Independence.
1.d 2.f 3.e 4.b 5.f 6.a 7.c 8.f
What was the main reason for the divide in the country which led to the Civil War? Bonus point: What event caused Georgia to leave the Union?
Slavery The election of Lincoln as President
Which branch of the Georgia government is described below: This branch is run by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. They appoint people to state agencies like education, public safety, and transportation.
Executive branch
Name three products produced during the colonial period of Georgia:
Wine Rice Indigo Silk Tobacco
Which geographic feature separates the Piedmont from the Coastal Plain and use to be the beach when much of Georgia was underwater? a. Savannah River b. Okefenokee Swamp c. Appalachian Mountains d. Fall Line e. Chattahoochee River f. Barrier Islands
d. Fall Line
Choose which statement best describes the following people: Tom Watson, Rebecca Felton, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B Du Bois, Henry Grady 1. First female senator that fought for education 2. Believed that economic equality for African Americans was more important than social equality. 3. A populist politician this man wanted to help the Georgia farmers. 4. Wanted to develop a "New South" a state that focused on new industries. 5. Disagreed with Washington and wanted the African American population to work toward social equality.
1. Rebecca Felton 2. Booker T. Washington 3. Tom Watson 4. Henry Grady 5. W. E. B Du Bois
During the Reconstruction time period Congress wanted to protect the rights of the newly freed black population. What do each of the following Amendments do? 13th 14th 15th Bonus: What was one method to limit the voting power of the black population?
13th-Slavery is illegal, except as a punishment for a crime. 14th-Citizenship and Equal protection under the law. 15th-All male citizens at a certain age can vote. Bonus-Answers will vary
Which branch of the Georgia government is described below: This branch is made up of two houses; the senate and the House of Representatives. These two houses create laws for the state.
Legislative Branch
Which one of these businesses was NOT developed here in Georgia? Walmart Coke-Cola Chick-fil-a Home Depot Waffle House
Which of the following geographic features protects Georgia from hurricane damage and attracts tourists? a. Savannah River b. Okefenokee Swamp c. Appalachian Mountains d. Fall Line e. Chattahoochee River f. Barrier Islands
f. Barrier Islands
Choose which statement best describes the following people:Lester Maddox, Maynard Jackson, Andrew Young, Benjamin Mays, William B. Hartsfield, Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1. Established the Airport in Atlanta. 2. A segregationist Governor that surprisingly helped the African American community. 3. Established the New Deal to fix the Great Depression and spent a lot of time in Georgia due to his polio. 4. Friend of MLK and executive director of the SCLC. 5. First African American Mayor of Atlanta also improved the Atlanta airport and MARTA system. 6. Teacher of MLK that later worked on the Board of Education.
1. Hartfield 2. Maddox 3. FDR 4. Young 5. Jackson 6. Mays
Match these causes to the War they are directly related to.. World War I or World War II: a. Zimmerman Telegram b. Pearl Harbor c. Secret Alliances between European Nations d. Lead-Lease system e. Germany's Hitler invading other countries f. Death of Americans during the sinking of the Lusitania. g. Death of Archduke Ferdinand
WWI-a, c, f, g WWII-b, d, e
The term Separation of Powers refers to the division of specific powers to... a. the federal government and certain powers to the state government. b. each of the three branches of the government. c. state and municipal governments d.the people
b. each of the three branches of the government.
1. What invention made cotton a profitable crop? 2. Who invented it? 3. Name one thing that destroyed the cotton production in Georgia:
Cotton Gin Eli Whitney Boll Weevil or Drought
Which of the following geographic features is a freshwater habitat for many species that is protected by the national government as a wildlife reserve? a. Savannah River b. Okefenokee Swamp c. Appalachian Mountains d. Fall Line e. Chattahoochee River f. Barrier Islands
b. Okefenokee Swamp
What is the name of the only Georgia born President?
Jimmy Carter
1. What Supreme Court case made segregation legal as long as equal facilities were provided? 2. What was the name of the court case that desegregated schools? 3. The passing of the Civil Rights Act ended segregation in most public facilities. This was the result of the successful March on Washington. Who led and gave a speech at this event?
1. Plessy v. Ferguson 2. Brown v. Board of Education 3. Dr. MLK Jr.
What are the two sections of the Legislative branch in Georgia? a. Governor and Lieutenant Governor b. Secretary of State and Senate c. Supreme Court and Court of Appeals d. Senate and House of Representatives
d. Senate and House of Representatives