making inferences

We call it ice cream. In Italy, they call it gelato. But no matter what name you give it, most people love a dish or cone filled with this cold dessert. The first president of the United States, George Washington, is said to have been a fan. And so was Thomas Jefferson, our country's third leader. No one is sure when ice cream was first invented, but some historians think it has been around for as long as 4,000 years! Way back then, it might have been made from snow flavored with honey or fruit. One thing is certain: On a hot day, this sweet treat certainly hits the spot.

Is ice cream only availble i the United States?

No, ice cream is available in other countries, too.


The most ubiquitous street names in America are the first five numbers, but not in order. Second and Third Streets are the top two most common street names, followed by First Street. Fifth Street comes in at number five. Also among the top 20 most popular street names are five different trees: Oak, Pine, Maple, Cedar, and Elm. Do you know of any Oak or Elm Streets? Of course, many cities have a Main Sreet. Main Street is the seventh most popular U.S. street name. Our country has 7,644 Main Streets. Hill Streets comes in as 20th most popular U.S. Street name. There are 4,877 Hill Streets in the United States.

If you visited a U.S. City, how likley is it that there would be a Main Street?

It's very likely that the town would have a Main Street.


What do you think the very earliest human beings did when the sun went down? well, they probably just sat around in the dark. To have light at night, people had to learn how to use fire. Over time, humans found new ways to create light at night. Ancient Romans get credit for making the first candles. During the 1800s, people began to use gas to light up their houses. Then, along came Thomas Alva Edison. In 1878, he figured out how to use electricity to generate light. Thank you, Thomas Alva Edison.

What invention is credited to Thomas Edison?

Edison invented the light bulb/electric light.


The Beatles are one of the most famous rock bands ever. They are known as the Fab Four. The band was formed in England in 1960. The Beatles had many number-one hit songs, including "Yesterday," "Let It Be," and "Help!" Then, in 1970, the Beatles broke up. The Fab Four went their separate ways. That made fans very sad. But their music has endured. It still reminds popular. In fact, each day, millions of people around the world listen to then Beatles. 

How many band members were in the Beatles?

The Beatles had four band members.
