Name the two ways irrational number may be expressed.
What is square roots, non-repeating decimals, symbols like Pi
What number is not positive or negative?
What are the three types of numbers that are integers.
Whole numbers, their opposites, and zero.
A rational number is any number that can be written as ____.
What is a over b, a/b. A fraction.
Order the following Real Numbers: Pi, the square root of 9, and 3.1
What is the square root of 9, 3.1, and Pi?
Name a type of square root that is also a rational number
A perfect square
The square root of 7 is closest to this integer
What is 3?
3.12703182091809... falls into what set of numbers?
What is irrational numbers?
An irrational number is any number that can not be written in what form?
What is a over b, or a/b, as a fraction
The square root of 1/4 is
√144 falls into what set(s) of numbers?
What is whole numbers, integers, rational numbers
A real number can be what type(s) of numbers?
What is whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers
2/3 is a __________ decimal.
What is repeating decimal, 0.666666...