Figurative Language
Logical Fallacies
Greek & Latin Roots
Context Clues
Identify Appeals
Ethos, Pathos, Logos

What does the metaphor in this text suggest? He reads incessantly; new ideas are food for his mind. 

1) He often reads about food and cooking.

2) He is stimulated by new ideas.

3.) He likes adventures.

What is he is stimulated by new ideas?


Which logical fallacy is used in the text? This lunch meat has absolutely no additives, so it must be nutritious.

1) appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good

2) circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself

What is appeal to nature?


The root word chron means time. What does the word anachronism mean?

1) some harmful behavior or by product that is legally prohibited

2) something that appears in the incorrect historical period

3) something that is morally prohibited

What is something that appears in the incorrect historical period?


The Chinese festival of Qingming takes place on the fifteenth day after the spring equinox. On this day, people burn paper "spirit money" and models of houses and cars to commemorate the dead. Their hope is to make their departed relatives more comfortable in the spirit world.

Select the word that means to do something special to honor and remember.

What is commemorate?


Which is the main persuasive appeal used in this slogan?

Serving up good times! (Super Tom Paper Plates)

Answer Choices:

Ethos (Character), Logos (Reason), Pathos (Emotion)

What is Pathos (Emotions)?


What does the idiom in this text suggest? For many runners who prefer running barefoot but still want some more support and protection, minimalist shoes are the best thing since sliced bread. 

1) The shoes are a fabulous invention.

2) The shoes are as soft as freshly baked bread.

3.) They could be made better.

What is the shoes are a fabulous invention?


Which logical fallacy is used in the text? The human resource department is urging the company to offer free gym memberships to all employees. They'd rather our employees be at the gym morning, noon, and night, than get any work done.

1) false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other

2) straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against

What is straw man?


The root word mal means bad or evil. What does the word maleficent mean?

1) working to cause harm to others

2) working to establish your trustworthiness

3) working for a long period of time

What is working to cause harm to others?


During political campaigns, many candidates use advertisements that discuss what's wrong with their opponents. However, University of Missouri professor Bill Benoit has recommended that candidates avoid attacking their opponents' characters. His research suggests that attack ads can backfire in dramatic ways. Benoit instead recommends that politicians accentuate the positive in their advertisements. 

What word means emphasize?

What is accentuate?


Which are the two persuasive appeals used in this slogan?

Brite Paper Towels: Moms have known for years that Brite paper towels are the best. Laboratory tests confirm it. 50% stronger than the competition.

Answer Choices:

Ethos (Character), Logos (Reason), Pathos (Emotion)

What is Ethos and Logos?


What does the hyperbole in this text suggest? Pinocchio's tears had dried and only hard, dry sobs shook his wooden frame. But these sobs could be heard by the faraway hills... -Carlo Collodi, Pinocchio

1) Pinocchio's sobs were quiet.

2) Pinocchio's sobs were very loud.

3.) You had to be in the hills to hear his sobs. 

What is Pinocchio's sobs were very loud?


Which logical fallacy is used in the text? I can't believe you'd hire Tyler Johnston to watch your dog! Did you know that his friend adopted a dog but then took it back to the shelter after just one week?

1) bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct

2) guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something

What is guilt by association?


What does the word credential mean?

1) a document showing the official merger of two companies
2) a document proving a person's identity or ability
3) a document of events listed in the order in which they occurred
4) a document used as part of a legal proceeding

What is a document proving a person's identity or ability?


The Twenty-Sixth Amendment to the Constitution extended suffrage to Americans aged eighteen to twenty-one. Advocates of the change argued that since eighteen-year-olds were fighting in the military, they deserved to participate in the political process. Before that, only people aged twenty-one or older could cast ballots in the nation's elections. 

What word means the right to vote?

What is suffrage?


Which is the main persuasive appeal used in this slogan?

Studies show that Duophase Clinical Strength toothpaste is 96% as effective as a professional dental cleaning (Duophase Toothpaste). 

Answer Choices:

Ethos (Character), Logos (Reason), Pathos (Emotion)

What is Logos (Reason)?


Read the source of the allusion. George Orwell's novel 1984 focuses on a totalitarian society in which the citizens are frequently reminded that their leader, Big Brother, is always watching. 

What is the meaning of the allusion in the sentence? The headline read: "Smart Phones Becoming Big Brother."

1) a threatening power that monitors all aspects of people's lives

2) a piece of technology that allows for greater convenience

What is a threatening power that monitors all aspects of people's lives?


Which logical fallacy is used in the text? If you're not a vegetarian, then you must despise animals.

1) false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other

2) false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist.

What is false dichotomy?


What does the root word cede mean?

1) a war

2) to block

3) a shape

4)  to go

What is to go?


The shrew is a tiny, mouse-like mammal with an elevated metabolic rate. In the space of just one minute, it breathes about eight hundred times, and its heart beats about one thousand times. The shrew is also voracious. Every day, it eats its entire body weight in prey such as insects, worms, and salamanders.

Select the word that means having a huge appetite.

What is voracious?


Which is the main persuasive appeal used in this slogan?

You'll Never Forget The Day You Had a Heart Attack. Redox Can Help It Never Happen Again. 

Answer Choices:

Ethos (Character), Logos (Reason), Pathos (Emotion)

What is Pathos (Emotion)?


Read the source of allusion. The character Pollyanna, from Eleanor Porter's children's book, is a young girl who finds good in everything and everyone. 

What is the meaning of the allusion in the sentence? "Wanda is such a Pollyanna!" Duncan announced with a sigh.

1) an unintelligent person

2) an overly optimistic person

3) a pessimistic person

What is an overly optimistic person?


Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Mom, I know you're upset that I went over my cell limit this month. The important issue here, though, is that I got an A on my algebra exam.

1) red herring: the use of a completely unrelated topic or idea

2) false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist

What is red herring?


What does the word propulsion mean?

1) the state of being harmful to oneself

2) the state of being too small to function properly

3) the state of being moved forward

4) the state of being under construction

What is the state of being moved forward.


For most presidential elections in the twentieth century, Missouri was a reliable bellwether state. Between 1904 and 2004, in every election except one, the candidate favored by the voters of Missouri was ultimately elected president. In 2008 and 2012, however, Missouri voted Republican, but Democratic candidate Barack Obama won. 

What word means one that leads or indicates what others will do?

What is bellwether?


Which is the main persuasive appeal used in this slogan?

When I have a big day on set, I always bring my Venus water. -Kristen Rogers, actress.

Answer Choices:

Ethos (Character), Logos (Reason), Pathos (Emotion)

What is Ethos (Character)?
