Stress Management
Transitioning to H.S.
Drugs and Alcohol
Nutrition and Health

What is stress?

Feeling of physical or emotional tension. The body's reaction to a challenge or demand.


Will all of your friends have the same reaction as you when going to high school?



What is the legal drinking age in New York?

Twenty-one (21) years old


What are three reasons it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

less stress

better able to go through your day

better emotion regulation

less chance for illness and disease

better cognition and memory


What are two ways to prevent pregnancy AND STD's?


Using a condom


Name three healthy ways you can de-stress

Any of the following three (or reasonable substitutes):

Listening to music

Drawing / coloring

Taking a walk




What are three supports at your future high school if you are having difficulty with the transition?


-Trusted Adult


-Good friend/ peer

-Parent/ Guardian


What does BAC stand for AND what is the legal BAC for operating a motor vehicle?

BAC = Blood alcohol content

The legal limit for BAC is .08


Name four aspects of a healthy lifestyle

ANY four of the following:

  • eating healthy 

  • exercising sufficiently

  • being mindful

  • limiting the amount of unnecessary stress you experience.

  • “Making friends with yourself”


What is the legal age of consent in New York?



What are the three ways you can tell that you are stressed?

1) Physical symptoms

2) Stressed/ Anxious/ Pressured thoughts

3) Change in behavior


What are the five stages of grief according to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross?

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance


What is the minimum age you should reach before exposing your brain to alcohol, nicotine (vape or cigarette), or other drugs?

The recommended age is 25.

*Not exposing yourself to drugs or alcohol at all is also completely okay


Name 3 mental and 3 physical benefits of exercise

Mental Benefits

–Improves mood

–Reduce stress

–Boosts confidence

–Better self body image

–Prevent cognitive decline

–Alleviates anxiety

–Increase relaxation 

Physical Benefits 

–Controls weight

–Fights disease

–Improves sleep

–Increased flexibility

–Builds muscle strength

–Increase life expectancy (7 years!)

–Improved immune system


Name TWO of the three SEL trainees at the School of Columbia this year.

Dr. Braddock 

Ms. Soares

Mr. De Gannes


Reframe this negative thought into a positive thought:

"I will fail this test"


"I'm prepared so I likely won't fail"

"I've studied, so I should be fine"

"I don't typically fail"

"There are quiz corrections"


What is typically the last major holiday before returning to school?

Labor Day


What is the difference between stimulants and depressants?


Name one of each

Stimulants: Drugs that increase the activity of the central nervous system.

  • Tobacco

  • Methamphetamine

  • Cocaine

Depressants: Drugs that slow down your central nervous system.

  • Alcohol

  • Marijuana

  • Opioids

    • Morphine

    • Heroin

  • Prescription Medication

    • Benzodiazepines---Anti-Anxiety medication (e.g., Xanax)

    • Barbiturates--Sedatives


Name 3 things you should eat LESS of AND 3 things you should eat MORE of in order to maintain a healthy and nutritious lifestyle.

Eat less: Salt, Solid and Trans Fats, Fast Food, Saturated Fats, Added Sugars, Refined Grains

Eat more: Healthy Oils, Lean Proteins, Seafood, Lowfat Dairy, Whole Grains, Fruits and Vegetables


Who will be the Middle Division Director as of the 2019-2020 academic year?

Mr. Jason Singleton


What are the five levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Physiological, Safety, Love/ Belonging, Esteem, Self-Actualization 


Read the following, identify the stage of grief, AND tell us what good advice you could give to the student to help make the transition easier to manage:

Lauren recently learned that her best friend, Julia, will be going to a different high school than she will. She has known Julia since first grade and cannot imagine not seeing her friend at school every day. Lauren has spent the past couple of weeks researching the high school that Julia will be going to and asking her parents to help her switch schools. Lauren’s parents have explained to her that application deadlines have already passed, but Lauren promises them that if they get her into Julia’s school, she will get straight As and do everything they ask her to do.


-Advice pending 


Name four different ways to deal with peer pressure

Here are the six we've identified:

1) Listen to your gut

2) Plan ahead for possible pressure situations

3) Arrange a "bail-out" code phrase you can use with your parents without losing face with your peers.  

4) Learn to feel comfortable saying "NO"

5) Hang out with people that feel the same way you do

6) Blame your parents


What is the difference between a whole food and a processed food?

Whole Food: 

  • Has nothing added to it (like sugar, fat, preservatives, etc.) or taken from it (like nutrients)

  • A food in the form in which nature intended it to be

  • Usually a healthier option

Processed Food:

  • Altered from the form it is found in nature

  • Contains additives 

  • Usually an unhealthier option


Name EVERY museum/ place of interest toured during the DC trip by the entire grade (excluding the choice museums)

Hint: There are 6 answers

Holocaust Museum - MLK jr. Memorial - Lincoln Memorial - Capitol Building - National Museum of African American History and Culture - Newseum
