Newton's Laws of Motion
Balanced or unbalanced
Average Speed
El Mago

What is Newton's First Law of Motion?

The Law of inertia: an object at rest remains at rest unless acted on by an outside force. An object in motion remains in motion unless acted on by an outside force.


The mass of an object is 35 grams, and it has an acceleration of 2 meters/second squared.  What is the net force of the object?

70 Newtons.


Jaylin is sitting still on a chair. Gravity is acting on Jaylin with a force of about 637 Newtons. Is this an example of a balanced or unbalanced force?

Balanced. She is still.


Doña Benavides traveled 15 meters in just 20 seconds.  What is her average speed?

0.75 meters/second.  Triple Points!!!


Cual es la differencia de SPEED y VELOCITY?

Velocity has a direction.


What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?

F=ma: the force of an object can be calculated by the objects mass multiplied by it's acceleration.


The mass of an object is 12 kilograms, and it has an acceleration of 12 meters/second squared. What is the net force of the object?

144 Newtons.


A car is moving 30 N to the right and has wind resistance in the opposite direction of about 5 N. Is this balanced or unbalanced?

Unbalanced, 25 N to the right.


Josue took a road trip to the beach and traveled 120 miles in two hours.  What was Josue's average speed on the trip?

60 miles/hour


Draw a picture of a cat on a road trip in jeep heading for the beach at 70 miles per hour.

Garcia decides.


What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?

Action/Reaction: For every push or pull there is an opposite and equal reaction.


The acceleration of an object is 8 meters/second squared, and it has a mass of 5 grams.  What is the net force of the object?

40 Newtons.


Jimmy is pushing a box on a table. The box is moving with a force of 10 N to the right but friction is acting in the opposite direction at 3 N.  Is the box Jimmy is pushing balanced or unbalanced?

Unbalanced 7 N to the right.


The average speed of a Caleb is about 12 miles per hour.  Caleb sped across the city for a total of 6 hours. Assuming his speed remained the same, how far did he travel?

72 miles. Double points!!


Spin the wheel.

Stuff happens...


Mr. Garcia's door is hard to open because you need to apply a lot of force to push or pull it open. Which of Newton's laws best explains why the door may feel so heavy?

Newton's Third Law: Action Reaction.  Double points!!


The net force of an object is 300 Newtons, and it has an acceleration of 50 meters/second squared.  What is the mass of the object in kilograms?

6 kilograms


Melany and Ruth are arm wrestling on a table. Ruth is using a force of 12 N to the left and Melany is using a force of 12 N to the right.  Is this an example of balanced or unbalanced forces?

Balanced. They need to do more push ups.


La Victoria walks at a rate of about 4 miles/hour. How far did La Victoria travel in 24 hours?

96 Miles. Double points!!


¿Qué hace un pez en el mar?

Nada, nada, nada...


Space is a vacuum. Objects may travel really fast in space unless something stops them. Which of Newton's Laws may best explain this phenomenon?  

Newton's First Law of Motion: Inertia. Triple points!!!


The mass of an object is 20 grams, and it has a net force of 10 Newtons.

0.5 meters/second squared. Triple points!!!


Gillermo kicked a soccer ball with a force o 20 N and Dinia dove to stop it with a force of 19.5 N in the opposite direction. Is this an example of balanced or unbalanced forces?

Unbalanced 0.5 N to the back of the net. Goal!!! Double points!!


The average speed of Aylin's dog is 30 miles/hour. If the dog traveled for 150 miles, for how long did he run?

5 hours.


First team to collectively do 50 push ups wins. Count out loud.

Triple points!!!
