Meaning of Alamul Ghayb
World of the unseen, the hidden realm
Jinn were created from what?
smokeless fire
Angels are created out of?
What is the meaning of Al Adl?
What is the meaning of Al Fadl?
Allah's grace
Where do we get the little bit of knowledge we have from 'alam ul ghayb?
from the Quran and the Sunnah
DO jinn have free will or do they only do what Allah orders them?
free will
Do angels have free will or do they only do what Allah orders them?
They do what they are ordered
how does knowing about Allah's justice help us when we face injustice?
We will know that whoever committed the injustice will have to answer to Allah about it.
How does know about Allah's Fadl help us in our daily life?
when we make mistakes we can hope for Allah Fadl in the Hereafter
Mention 3 things from alam ul ghayb
Allah, angels, jinn, akhira and the future.
Evil jinn are also called
what are the Mala' Al Asfal (lower assembly)?
angels that help people, guardian angels, the angels that write the good and bad deeds, etc.
How will Allah judge between people in the Hereafter?
Allah swt will judge people according to their circumstances on the Day of Judgment, two people who committed the same sin may not be punished in the same way due to their individual circumstances.
Are our actions enough to make it to jannah?
No, we depend on Allah's Fadl and mercy
How do fortunetellers obtain information from the unseen?
with the jinn
Ibliss was an angel or a jinn?
What are the Mala' Al Alaa (higher asembly)?
Angels closer to Allah like Jibril, Malakul MAwt, Israfil and Mikail.
What did the Prophet said about the poor in the next life?
“I got to look at Jannah, and I saw that most of it’s inhabitants are the poor”.
Should a person that commited many sins just give up thinking Allah will never forgive them, why?
no, the person should have hope in Allah's Fadl
Verse of the Quran that mentions the importance of belief in 'Alamul Ghayb
Al Baqara 2:2-3
What Surah mentions the story of the jinn that became Muslim
Surah al-Jinn (72)
what are the 2 categories of angels we learned about in class
Mala' Al Asfal (lower assembly) and Mala' Al Alaa (higher asembly)
What did the Prophet s,a,w, said about people rights in akhira?
“Everyone’s rights will be restored on the Day of Judgement, even that of the hornless goat that endured suffering from a horned goat”.
what does the Quran say about about Allah taking people to task for what they did?
The Quran says: “If Allah were to take the people to task for what they committed, He would not leave a single creature on the surface of the earth” 35:45