The Sacraments
Word meanings and Quotations
The Catechism
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Bishops are successors of the _____________, who have received the fullness of the priesthood.  Bishops are spiritual leaders of Christians in their dioceses (geographical areas). They alone can ordain men to the priesthood and to the office of bishop.  United with the Pope, they are the official teachers of the Faith in the world.

What are Apostles?


If we are aware of committing a ____________ sin, we should go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation before receiving the Eucharist.

What is mortal?


The word "catholic" means ____________.

What is universal?


Marks of the Church - The four special signs that point out the true Church of Jesus Christ.  These four marks are found in the Nicene Creed as one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.  Only in the ________ _______ can all of these four marks be found.

What is the Catholic Church?


Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation, are the three Sacraments of _______________.

What is Initiation?


A martyr is a witness to the truth of the Faith, in which the person endures even ____________ to be faithful to Christ.

What is death?


An offense against the holy law of God in a small matter.  Venial sins __________ our relationship with God and are dangerous to our spiritual well-being.  

What is weaken (hurt)?


"Eucharist" is from a Greek word meaning ____________.

What is Thanksgiving?


The Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles at ___________.

What is Penetcost?


A habit, or tendency, to do wrong is called a ________.

What is vice?


Paschal Mystery - This term comes from the Hebrew word for "Passover," a feast Jews celebrated in remembrance of their liberation from Egypt.  The Last Supper was a Passover meal Jesus celebrated with his Apostles.  So "Paschal Mystery" refers to the suffering, death, and _____________ of Jesus by which we are saved from our sins.

What is resurrection?


Transubstantiation is the word we use to describe the changing of bread and wine into the very  ______ and ________ of Christ.

What is Body and Blood?


At Confirmation, the bishop will pray; 

"Be ___________  _____ the Gift of the Holy Spirit."

What is sealed with?


The _______________ Works of Mercy are oriented toward the body, that is toward other people.

What is Corporal?


The Seven Sacraments are: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, _____ _________,

 ______  ________________, and

___________________ __ ___ _____.

What are Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony, and Anointing of the Sick?


The Cardinal virtues are Prudence, Justice, ___________, and Fortitude - the four main virtues or habits of good actions.

What is Temperance?


Mortal sin is a serious offense against the law of God, which destroys the _____________   ___________ in our souls.  For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be present; 1) the action must be seriously wrong, 2) we must know that it is seriously wrong, 3) we must do it freely, without anyone or anything forcing us to do it.  It is important to confess such sins as soon as possible and to avoid whatever leads us to commit these sins.  

What is sanctifying grace?


Acts 1:8 says, "You shall receive  __________ when the Holy Spirit has come upon you." 

What is Power?


To comfort the sorrowful and to bear wrongs patiently are examples of the ________________ Works of Mercy.

What is Spiritual?


The miracle of bread and wine being changed into Christ's Body and Blood is called 


What is Transubstantiation?


Pentecost is the special feast of the Holy Spirit.  It recalls the coming of the Spirit upon the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Apostles.  We celebrate Pentecost ___________ days after Easter. 

What is fifty (50)?


The bishop imposes his hand on the head of the person and anoints him with __________ while saying, "Be sealed with the gift of the ______ ________."

What is Chrism?  What is Holy Spirit?


This name means, "God is with us "----even in our suffering.

What is Emmanuel\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Triple Office - The term that reminds us of Jesus' mission as priest, _____________, and king.  Through Baptism and Confirmation, we all share in the triple office of Christ.  

What is prophet?


The Catechism of the Catholic Church says, "The Eucharist is the ____________ and __________of the Christian Life."

What is source and summit?
