(The Verb - Ir)
What is "To go"?
Translate to Spanish: "The museum"
What is "El museo"?
Translate to Spanish: "10 dollars"
What is "Diez dólares"?
Translate to Spanish: "What is your name?"
What is "¿Como te llamas?" ?
"In" in Spanish
What is "En"?
"Ir" Conjugated for the subject "yo".
What is "Yo voy"?
Translate to Spanish: "The beach"
What is "La playa"?
Translate to Spanish: "67"
What is "Sesenta y siete"?
What is "Carlos y Maria escuchan música"?
"Beside/Next to" in Spanish
What is "Al lado de"?
"Ir" conjugated for the subject "Tú".
What is "Tú vas"?
Translate to Spanish in order: "The Movie theatre and The theatre.
What is "El cine y El teatro"?
Translate to Spanish:"3 years and 85 days"
What is "Tres años y ochenta y cinco días"?
Translate to Spanish: "Lets go"
What is "¡Vamos!" ?
What is "Debajo de"?
What is "a"
Translate to Spanish: "The amusement park"
What is "El parque de atracciones"?
Translate to Spanish: "100 pounds"
What is "Cien libras"?
Translate to Spanish: "I go to the library"
What is "Yo voy a la biblioteca"?
"Behind" in Spanish
What is "Detrás de"?
Fill in the blank:
Yo voy + _______ + parque.
What is "al"?
Translate to Spanish: "The Gym, the stadium, and the pool."
What is "El gimnasio, el estadio, y la piscina."?
Translate to Spanish: "How much does it cost?"
What is "Cuanto cuesta?"
Translate to Spanish: "Paco, John, and I are going to dance".
What is "Paco, John, y yo vamos a bailar" ?
"Around" in Spanish
What is "Alrededor de"?