You can read it
What is : un livre
You need a calculator
What is: les maths
Italian pie
What is: la pizza
Danser, je form
What is: danse
Where you go to learn
What is: l'école
You can make calls with it
What is: un téléphone
You learn about the past
What is: l'histoire
This fruit makes pie
What is: La pomme
Jouer, nous form
What is: jouons
Where you go to shop
What is: le centre commercial
You open it for fresh air
What is: la fenêtre
You take this language
What is: le français
You get this from cows
What is: le lait
Dessiner, il/elle/on form
What is: dessine
Where you get food
You use these to write
What is: un crayon et un stylo
You do experiments
What is: la science
Popular French snack
What is: le fromage
Voyager, ils/elles form
What is: voyagent
What is: le cinéma
You sit on it
What is: une chaise
You paint
What is: classe d'art plastique (l'art)
Madame Osbourne's favorite drink
Chanter, vous
What is: chantez
Where you go walk the dog