A formal written request
Searches Without Permission
The British military could search colonists’ belongings.
How many people were killed in the massacre?
to refuse to buy or use certain goods or services
When was the first treaty of Paris signed?
The Stamp Act
Taxed anything paper: cards, legal documents, newspapers, books, etc.
How much tea was thrown in the harbor? (amount in money or "chests")
342 chests of tea or 1 million dollars worth of tea
to cancel, remove from law
What year did the SECOND Tea Act pass?
Quartering Act
Soldiers could stay/live in colonists' homes.
Who used the massacre as propaganda? (Two people or the group they represented)
Paul Revere and Sam Adams (Sons of Liberty) used this event as propaganda.
Which colony was the only one to not be at the First Continental Congress?
an army of citizens who serve as soldiers during an emergency
What was the date of the Tea Party?
December 16, 1773
Proclamation of 1763
To protect the colonists, Britain drew a boundary along the Appalachian Mountains.
Colonists were told to stay east of the line.
What was the First Continental Congress about?
How the colonies would act in response to the Intolerable Acts.
Olive Branch Petition
a peace petition sent to King George by colonial delegates after the battles of Lexington and Concord
civil disobedience
the refusal to obey unjust laws using non-violent means
When was the Battle of Lexington and Concord?
April 19 1775
Townshend Acts
More taxes on glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea.
Why was the British government surprised by the colonists' anger? Why were the colonists' angry?
The Tea Act made British tea cheaper but colonial tea more expensive.
free-enterprise system
an economic system in which goods and services are exchanged on a free market with as little government interference as possible
When was the First Continental Congress?
What were the 4 parts of the Intolerable Acts?
Shut down Boston Harbor.
Required town meetings to need permission from the British governor.
Major trials were held outside Massachusetts.
A new Quartering Act was passed.