Matter and Energy
Force, Motion, and Energy
Earth and Space
Orgs. & Environments

What part of an atom would you expect to have an overall positive charge?

A the electron cloud

B a group of neutrons

C the nucleus

D The entire atom is always positive.

C the nucleus


The net force is the

A Push or pull exerted on an object to make it move

B Combination of all the forces acting on an object

C Reverse of the direction of an object's movement

D Reduction of the speed of an object's movement

B Combination of all the forces acting on an object


The sun is

A near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy 

B In a globular cluster off the galactic disc

C about 2/3 of the way out from the center of the Milky Way

D In the center of the Virgo Supercluster

C about 2/3 of the way out from the center of the Milky Way


Herbivores obtain most of their energy by

A Consuming Animals

B Consuming Plants

C Producing Sugar

D Absorbing sunlight

B Consuming Plants


What is Newton's First Law of Motion?

The law of inertia. An object at rest stays at rest, an object in motion stays in motion. 


How many atoms of each element are in the following molecules 3Na1Mg3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4 

3 Na; 9 Mg; 18 Al; 9 B; 93 O; 18 Si; 12 H


A golfer hits a golf ball with a club. The mass of the ball is 0.08 kg. The ball accelerates at 3,600 m/s2. What is the net force that accelerates the ball?

288 Newtons


What observation about mid-ocean ridges was used to support Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift?

A Magma is very close to the surface at the rift

B Sediments become thicker and older with increasing distance from the rift

C Energy from the rift affects currents in the water of the Atlantic Ocean

D The crusts on opposite sides of the rift appear to be moving toward one another

B Sediments become thicker and older with increasing distance from the rift


Which Organelle  is responsible for producing a cell's energy?

A. Lysosome

B. Endoplasmic Reticulum

C. Mitochondria

D. Nucleus

C. Mitochondria


The electromagnetic waves that can be seen by humans

State the answer as a question

Visible spectrum


Visible light


Balance the following equation:

_ HNO3 + _ NaHCO3 ---> _ NaNO3 + _ H2O + _ CO2

1 HNO3 + 1 NaHCO3 ---> 1 NaNO3 + 1 H2O + 1 CO2


Two Cars with different masses travel at the same speed down a hill toward a stop sign. What will happen when both cars apply brakes at the same time to stop?

A. The car with the larger mass will maintain its velocity while travelling down the hill.

B. The car will the smaller mass will take longer to stop than the car with the larger mass.

C. The car with the larger mass will have less inertia than the car with the smaller mass

D. The car with the smaller mass will require less force to stop than the car with the larger mass

D. The car with the smaller mass will require less force to stop than the car with the larger mass


Draw the phases of the Moon

There are 8. New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full moon, Waning Gibbous, Third quarter, Waning Crescent.


A species of bacteria lives in human intestines. The bacteria get food from the person they live in, and the person gets vitamins that the bacteria produce. What kind of relationship do these bacteria and humans have?

A predator and prey

B commensalism

C parasitism

D mutualism

D mutualism


Hikers use topographic maps to select a course for foot travel. What will the terrain be like for a hiker whose map has contour lines that are very close together surrounding a small closed circle with a number in it?

A gently sloping valley

B steep mountain slope

C hill surrounding a pond

D level, open terrain

B steep mountain slope


How many Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons are present in an atom of Iodine with a +2 charge?

53 Protons

74 Neutrons

51 Electrons


Which of the following is not an example of acceleration?

A A plane landing

B A train turning at 30 mph

C A bicycle travelling at 13 km/hr

D A rocket reaching escape velocity

C A bicycle travelling at 13 km/hr


If an agricultural development clear cuts the area immediately adjacent to a river what would be the most likely immediate aftereffect of this action on the river itself?

A. It would cause fish populations to increase

B. It would cause an increase in dirt deposits into the river due to erosion

C. It would cause decreased water flow to the source of the river

D. It would destroy the local habitats for terrestrial organisms

B. It would cause an increase in dirt deposits into the river due to erosion


A specific breed of sheep that typically lives in cold climates has been known to gain extra weight in the summers to prepare for the harsh winters it must endure. Due to human activity, the grasses that it feeds on are now available for longer and longer periods during the winter. What would the expected adaptation in the sheep be over time?

A. Smaller horns

B. Decreased body weight

C. Increased body temperature

D. Thicker wool

B. Decreased body weight


A body of permeable rock that can contain or transmit groundwater. 

State the answer as a question

What is an Aquifer?


How many Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons are present in an atom with 5 energy levels and 3 valence electrons with a -1 charge? What is the element name


49 Protons

66 Neutrons

50 Electrons


When a force of 525 N is applied to Object X (with a volume of 2.5 m3), it is given an acceleration of 30 m/s2. What is its mass? What is its density?

Mass is 525/30 = 17.5 kg

Density is 17.5/2.5 = 7 kg/m3


If the last waning crescent occurred on June 4th when will the next Full moon be?

3.5+14+4 = 21.5 


How much of the energy represented in the previous level of an energy pyramid transfers to the next level? Why?

10%. Due to the fact that the organisms in the previous levels use most of their energy for their own needs.


Balance the following equation:

__ C8H18 + __ O2 ---> __ CO2 + __ H2O

2 C8H18 + 25 O2 ---> 16 CO2 + 18 H2O
